Chapter 77.

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Amber's POV.

I feel so conflicted right now. Part of me wants to rush down to Connor and give him the biggest hug I can manage, but the other part of me wants to stay as far away as possible.

It's like he's an entire new person. I know for sure if he had known he had Alpha power, he would have either matched or overpowered me. He found his Alpha power facing of against his father during the pack war.

He doesn't know who he is or who his friends and family are. That breaks my heart to just think about. I want to cry and scream and throw things in my anger, but I can't.

I have to stay strong for the pack and for myself. I can't let myself break down again. I've cried far too much since Connor went missing. I'm a Luna now and I have to be strong  no matter how much I don't want to.

I'm pacing back and fourth through the kitchen of the pack house. Tasha and Clayton are sitting down and trying not to stare at me. I know they can feel the anger that's coming off of me in waves.

Clayton heals fast, the only sign he fought Connor was a nasty bruise on his head where Connor hit and knocked him out. It was healing really fast so it already looked like it was a few days old.

Alpha Conan had just seen Connor. He told us their conversation and then went to be alone for a while. Connor is acting like a bloodthirsty rogue.

Everything he said threatening was about killing him and wanting to enjoy it. That's not Connor. That's not my man at all.

That right there is the Boss Rogue planting his filthy rogue thoughts into my mates head. I miss Connor. I miss MY Connor. I'll get him back if it's the last thing I do.

" Ok, can you please stop pacing? You're making me more anxious then I already am Amber. " says Tasha.

I stop mid step and let out a sigh. I then take a seat across from them. I rest my head in my hands. I then feel Tasha grab my right hand and gently pull it away from my face.

I see her warm smile that she offers me and just seeing that calms my anger a little. She always did know how to take care of me when I was stressed growing up. I knew how to take care of her as well.

" It'll be ok Amber. " she says.

" How? He doesn't even know me. He doesn't even know his own flesh and blood for Pete sake. " I say.

" I know and that's his fault, nor is it yours. It's the Boss Rogues. As for how? Amber look at what we've done so far. We have him here with us right now. Isn't that what we've been trying to do for months?!" She says.

I sigh and nod. " Yeah. " I say.

" Then this is a step. We've made a big accomplishment Amber. " she said.

I nod. " I know. It just seems too easy though. Where did he even come from and why now?" I ask.

Clayton then chimes in. " I've been thinking about that. Follow me, I have a theory and I want to see if I'm right. " he says.

We all follow him to the room where we had the map of the different pack lands out. He turned on the light and we followed him and gathered around the table.

" Ok, so you sent us to search all around here up to the pack border of the next pack. We searched every bit of land all around here. There's no way they could have come from behind us. " says Clayton.

" So you're thinking they came from over here?" Asks Tasha.

" I'm thinking that they came from this Alpha's territory. " says Clayton.

Our eyes widen. Alpha Ronan's territory. It was the closest to where this all went down. " You think Alpha Ronan is part of this?" I ask.

" I think he may have bit off more then he can chew with the Boss Rogue and now has no choice, but to house then there. " says Clayton.

" This doesn't make any sense though. He's a highly respected Alpha for his old ways. He would never have sided with Rogues. " says Tasha.

" Everyone has their flaws Tasha. He must have been bribed or something along those lines. He's a smart Alpha. I'm hoping this isn't the case, but if I'm right and he has been housing them..." he trails off.

" Then they've been sitting right under our noses this entire time. " I finish.

At this news, we just sit and stare. It would make sense. That's the pack we would have checked if the outside grounds turned up completely empty. I just don't see how he could have sided with the bad guy.

Greed? Power? Control?  It just doesn't make any sense. " We need to be careful with how we approach this." I say.

They look at me. " If were wrong, he could have the grounds to either arrest us for false accusations or start a war with our pack. That's the last thing we need right now. " I say.

" You got a point. How to you suppose we go about this then?" Asks Clayton.

" I say we get the answers from Connor. If anyone will know about this, it's him. " I say.

" You want to interrogate him like just another rogue?" Says Tasha with wide eyes.

I shake my head. " No, I could never do that to him. I'm thinking a little bit of reverse psychology will make him slip up and give us the answer we need without him even realizing he did it. " I say.

" You think that will work?" Says Clayton.

" I don't know. We can sure try. I won't be able to see him right now. I'm not stable enough. " I look at Clayton.

" I want you to do it. " I say.

His eyes widen. " Me?" He asks.

" Yes. You grew up with Connor. You know the way he thinks. Even if his mind is warped right now. It's still Connor under all that. I need you to try and get through to him. You said he knew your name even if he didn't know who you were. Use that you your advantage. " I say.

He thinks for a second. " Ok. I'll do it. " he says.

" Good. Then let's get to planning this out. I want my Connor back sometime soon. " I say.

They smile and nod along. We then start to go over our plan.

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A/N. Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. They are slowly learning the plan. This story still has a good way to go before I'm done. I'll be doing Connor's POV next. If you want to see another persons POV afterwards. Let me know. Until next time :-).

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