Chapter 92.

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Fenris's POV.

Ronan is about to head to Conan's pack to talk about where Connor is. That stupid mutt better not give anything away. I know they have Connor.

He would be back by now. The Wolf Bane will hold for a few more weeks. Given that he is a Blue Eyed Healer, his mind heals itself pretty fast. If he was here, I'd start to process over again.

I'd listen to him scream with a satisfied smirk on my face. It's like music to my ears. I smile just thinking about it.

I'm currently in my office. There soon is a knock on my door. I look up. " Come in. " I say.

The door creeks open and Ronan walks in. He's practically cowering in my presence. It's a wonderful sight. " What do you need Ronan?" I say.

" Everything is set up and ready to go. I just wanted t-to ask... I mean, I n-need... I...." Stuttered Ronan. Gosh, he's stuttering like he a new born pup.

I role my eyes. " Out with it Ronan!" I snap.

I take pleasure in watching him flinch at my voice. " Do you wish for me to go snooping while I'm there and see if they have Connor?" He asks.

" No. I know they have him. I don't need you giving yourself away while your there. However..." I say as I stand up. I turn and walk around the desk so I could tower over him.

" If you happen to be in Luna Amber's office. I want to know everything about that pack. It's weaknesses, it's defenses, I want to know who all is in charge of that pack. Am I clear?" I say

I can see him tremble in fear. " Yes Alpha. " he says.

I can't help the giant smirk that come across my face and the joy I get just hearing this we'll know Alpha call me his Alpha. Man, it feels good. He then looks at me.

" You're planning something big? Aren't you?" He says.

I grin at that. " Oh I'm planning something big alright. That's why I need those plans. I do the work and I get it done. By the end of this, if everything goes right. Which it will, I have no doubt. I will be called the King of all Alpha's and I will rule every single pack. " I say

His eyes widen I shock and fear. " How are you planning to do that?" He asks.

" That is for me to know and for you to find out later. I don't need you having these plans in your mind for them to see during your little meeting today. " I say.

He nods in understanding. " My third in command will be at the pack house if you need him for anything. " he finally says.

" Very good. I don't plan on being here much longer. Planning to do and all. " I say.

He nods. I walk back around the desk and sit down. I look down at the papers on my desk. I wave a hand at him dismissively. " Go on. Get a move on. You don't got all day. " I say.

" Yes Alpha. " he gives a small respectful bow before rising and rushing out of the room.

I took my eyes and let out a tired yawn. Man, is he exhausted. If I didn't have a reason to keep him around, I would have already killed him.

I can feel his stress about this meeting. I bet he's worried they are just going to arrest him, or that he's going to give himself away somehow. I let out a laugh. Man, I would kill to see the look on his face if that were to happen.

I look down at my papers. I've been leaving every few days and running over to the packs nearby. I have spies in each pack, plus I am scoping out the layout of the entire pack.

I plan on learning everything these pack do. Their strengths and their weaknesses. Their guard rotations, the time of each patrol. I will know it all.

I have memorized everything from each pack aside from Amber's. She knows me well and have guards around the clock. She every has then go patrol over the territory line for extra protection. Plus, all this traps Conan set up in the dirt.

I red to know everything about her pack. She is a powerful Luna. I've see the memories from one of my rogues that returned of her forcing Connor to submit. Connor may not know he's an Alpha's son and that he had that power, but he is a very strong willed pup. It's hard for me to control him.

I may be the Boss Rogue, as they call me, or I may be called Alpha and have a lot of power. I am not an Alpha though. If Connor wanted to, he could probably make me submit under his Alpha power.

Not going to lie. That thought terrifies me and not much does. That is why I'm keeping him close by and under my control. As long as I have him, he will never outshine me.

I will make him kill his own mate then watch as I kill his father in front of him and he won't even realize who they are unless I let his mind heal itself. I know he's already healing. Since he's a Blue Eyed Healer, his mind heals it self three times faster then a normal wolf like Ronan.

That's why I had to repeat the process I used on him before. He remembered too quickly. I won't let that happen again.

Things are going to get worse for them and there will be a lot of pain and sorrow. It'll be worth it in the end. At least on my part. I will rule their packs with an iron fist. No one will ever escape me or even try to.

I smirk. I will win. It's only just a matter of time.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV next. Let me know who's you want. Thanks guys. Until next time y'all :-)

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