Chapter 106.

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John's POV.

Another battle, seriously? Can't we just get a break from all this?!! It's been the same for weeks now. I am still injured and Alpha Grace has practically ordered me to stay by her side. Once the clock ticked down and we heard the howls.

There had been no time left to get me with the others who can't fight. She knows I can still fend for myself, but she wants to keep me safe and out with the people who can't fight so I can protect them if needed. Which I was ok with.

I want to help anyway I can. Right now there are rogues all over our pack grounds. They are tearing up anything they can. I can't stand rogues.

Suddenly someone from the pack ran up to us and held something out towards me. " Take it John. More protection. I don't want you shifting. Only do it as a last resort. " says Alpha Grace.

" Yes Alpha. " I say taking the weapon. It was a large dagger.

Then she roared and shifted into her wolf. It was a beautiful brown color mixed some white and grey. Power radiated off of her. It was definitely intimidating.

She crouched and I took that as my cue. I climbed onto her wolf and we took off. I cut down any rogues that tried to attack from the sides. She got the ones in front. We were a rogue killing machine.

One after another went down. So far none of our pack members have been killed. That's a good thing. We are standing our ground. Connor's alert has helped us tremendously.

I knew he would come back to us. He's heading to my sister. That's all I could ask for. I know he will make the right choice when it comes down to it. Brainwashed or not, he's still the Connor I first met.

I remember hearing him talk to Amber for the first time. I've never heard anyone be that kind to her. I was very tempted to go and tell father about him, that is until I heard what he said.

I also heard the care Amber held in her voice for him. So much care for someone she had only recently meet. I couldn't be the one to take that away from her. 

I dodge to the side. The rogues teeth mere inches from my skin. I quickly throw my arm around and stab it in the neck with a dagger.

It yelps and falls to the ground. We continue from here. It seems like hours have passed before we made a decent dent in the rogues.

Then I hear a scream. I quickly turn my head and see there's a young mother running away with her child in her arms. He looked no older then three.

Without thinking, I jump off Alpha Grace's back and take off towards them. Alpha Grace turns to growl at me. She doesn't have time before she's fighting off more rogues.

I run as fast as I can towards them. I take aim with the dagger and throw it. It meets its target and plants itself into the head of a rogue that almost bit the kid. I run faster and retrieve the dagger. " Run to the prison. I'll fight them off. " I say.

" But sir, you're injured?!" She cried at seeing my injuries wrapped up.

" I'll be fine. I'm a Bète's son. I can handle myself. Now go!!" I yell as I turn back and start running towards the oncoming rogues heading my way.

She takes off and I fight off the rogues. After I manage to defeat those rogues. I'm standing there panting and so worn out. My side is aching and my wrist hurts pretty badly.

Suddenly I hear a growl behind me, one holding so much power and I flinch immediately and let out a small whine.

I turn and see Alpha Grace towering over me. ' I told you not to leave leave my side!!! Why did you?!! ' she growled loudly.

She wasn't ordering me thankfully, but she expected an answer. " There was a mother and her child. She was being chased by rogues and I didn't see anyone going to save her. I had to do something. I'm so sorry for disobeying you Alpha. " I said bowing my head to her.

She growls softly. ' I understand. I'm not angry at you John and I never ordered you to stay by me. I was just worried about you. Let's get you to the prison. I want you resting. You look like you're in pain. ' she says.

" I may have pulled the stitches. " I say with a slight laugh. I can practically see her wolf rolling her eyes. She crouched and I get back on her back.

She runs off towards the prison and we take down any rogue on our way. I could still feel her Alpha power. Only it's not so powerful or aimed at me anymore. I can't help the smile that crosses my face as I se her fight. She's a brilliant Alpha. This pack is so lucky to have an Alpha like her.

Soon she stops and I slide off of her back and am let into the prison. As I walk in that lady hugs me right away. Her child still in her arms.

" You're alive. Thank God. " she cried.

I smiled. " I told you I'd be fine. I'm just glad you and your son are alright. " I say.

She then looked down. " Bète, you're bleeding on your side. " she says.

I look and sure enough there is blood leaking down my side and soaking my shirt. I sigh. " Grest, I tore the stitches again. " I groan.

I hear a chuckle. " Come. Let's get you fixed up. The pack doctors over here. " she then took my uninsured arm and leads me away towards the pack doctor.

It's then that I realize she called me Bète. I can't help, but to smile and feel proud at that. Even if I'm not the Bète here, I'm glad my dads training has helped me here. I miss him.

With that last thought I go to get checked up and then help these pack members with everything they needs.

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A/N. Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one will be in Bète Rick's POV. Until then. :-)

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