Chapter 28.

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Amber's POV.

We wait for a few hours, the sun is starting to rise and we will be leaving soon.

I already told Alpha Conan that I'm not leaving until my brother wakes up. He's agreed to that and decided to wait with me.

He's told the others there will be a slight delay before we leave. They were ok with that thankfully.

My mother had drifted off to sleep in the chair she's sitting in, holding John's good hand in her hand.

My father is outside talking to Alpha Conan. The two of them need to have more time with each other given their history.

How could something so simple be made into a huge deal like it was. Alpha Conan may be rash in his decisions, but he want in full control.

My father left because he found his mate and she wanted to stay with her pack. My dad of course agreed and transferred to her pack.

The Boss Rogue, I don't have any words to defend him. I know he has his reasons for revenge, but revenge is pointless. The way he tried to get it was pointless.

I wish I knew what he was up to now. He's so sneaky and bloodthirsty. Just thinking about him makes a pain happen in my arm that I know is just in my mind.

My eyes drift over to the scar on my arm where he had cut me with silver. A permanent reminder of what I went through. What Connor and I went through.

I'm going to his childhood pack today. I'm going to see his old room for the first time. I know their going to give me the room for Luna. I don't care about that. I want to sleep where Connor did.

I want to be around his stuff. His scent, I want to be there in that room. No other.

I have a lot I'm going to do in my soon to be pack. I'm going to go from house to house and meet everyone personally after the announcement of making me Luna.

I want to meet the kids, to meet all the people who knew Connor as he was growing up. His friends, the people he called family. I want to see it all.

I'm excited to see it, but at the same time I'm dreading it. Because I know he won't be there with me. This is something we should be doing together. It shouldn't be something I have to do on my own.

' Your not alone. ' says my wolf. She hasn't spoken to me a lot since it happened.

' I know I'm not. ' I say back.

' You got Tasha and Clayton. Heck, you even have Alpha Conan. You have me! ' she says back.

I smile at that. She always says what I need to hear. ' Thank you. ' I say.

I don't hear back from her, but I know she's happy. I can just feel it. It's like a radiating happiness.

I look out the window to see my dad is laughing at something Alpha Conan said. Must be some memory they were talking over. I manage a small smile at that. They both deserve to be happy.

I wait there a few more hours. By that time my mom and dad are in the room with us. That's when we hear a noise from John.

We look and see he's slowly waking up. His eyes are blinking rapidly. Then they settle on us and a small smile graces his lips.

" Hey Guys. " he says. It comes out as more of a croak. My dad grabs the glass of water by the bed and helps John take a few sips.

" How are you feeling honey? " aka my mother.

" As good as I can be I guess. " he says.

" Do you remember what happened?" Asks my father.

" A bit. I remember going into the woods by the territory line. I got attacked by humans with silver. " he says.

" Yes. You brought us back one. We managed to get a lot of information from him. You did good son. I proud of you. " says my dad.

John smiles. Then it fades. " What are my injuries?" He asks.

" You have burns on your face and neck from silver paint and chains. You were stabbed. It pricked your liver. They repaired it though. Your wrist was badly damaged though. It missed your main artery, but the silver, how much of it was in your wrist, you have permanent nerve damage. You'll still be able to use that wrist, but it'll never be the same again. " says my father.

John simply nods. He doesn't seem surprised by it. He does seem very disappointed.

" I understand. Will it affect my ability to shift any?" He asks.

" We talked it over with the doctor. It will affect you some. Your Wolfe will have a limp and you won't be able to run very fast or far on it. " says my father.

" So basically because of some stupid humans I'm referred into a crippled pup, unable to do my work anymore?!" Growled John.

There's the anger I was waiting for. I'd be furious too. " Your not a crippled pup John. There are many things for you to do. " says my mother.

" Like What Mom? " he asks. He growls in anger. " I'm supposed to be the Bète, how am I supposed to do my job to protect the pack if I can't run like I need to?"

" There has to be a way we can help John. You'll be able to do your part. I promise you." Says my father.

" You can't promise me that." Says John.

He sighs and makes himself relax. " Thank you for your help with this. I'm sorry for snapping. " says John.

" It's ok John. It won't be to bad. We will figure it out. " says my mother.

John smiles at her. John will be ok. I know it. He has gotten though stuff before. He can get through this.

Even if he can't always fight as a wolf because of his foot anymore. There are more ways to get things done that don't always involve a wolf.

If anyone can manage, it John and I will support him all the way. Because we are family and that's what family does.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update again soon. Not sure who's POV. Until then. :-)

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