Chapter 51.

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John's POV.

I walked out of Kurt's office to go talk to my sister. I am having a hard time believing that Connor has turned on us.

Connor is nothing, but sweet, kind, and gentle. It's so hard to think he would attack humans.

He's friends with Matt and Matt is a human. It's just insane. Amber's probably furious.

I walked over to the back door and stared out the window towards the woods.

I then sent out a mind link to her.

' Hey Amber. It's me. I heard what happened and about Connor. I wanted to check on you. How are you doing?'

Her reply isn't instant, but when she replies I can feel her anger.

' Hey John. Yeah, no I'm not doing good at all. I'm so angry about all of this. I have to be ok though. I have a pack to run. ' she replies.

' I know Amber. I'm sorry I don't have any good news to tell you. ' I say.

' I know. It's ok. It's good to hear from you John. ' she says.

' It's good to hear from you too. It's weird to go home at night and not see you in your room. ' I say. A small smile comes to my face.

' I know. ' I can feel a bit of happiness from her at that. I guess I made her laugh. ' it's weird over here, but I'm staying in Connor's old room. '

' I've been in there before. I hope you feel at home there. ' I say.

' It's not home yet, but it will be when Connor gets back. ' she says.

I am not sure what to say after that. ' How are you doing? After your injuries and Amelia?'

I feel sadness just thinking about Amelia. ' Still hurts Amber. I know I did the right thing though. As for my injuries, they are getting better. ' I say.

' Just know I'm always here for you John. ' she says.

' I'm there for you as well sis.' I respond.

' I have some news though. Not sure if it counts as good news in this moment. ' she says.

' What is it?' I ask.

' I got in touch with Connor the day after I arrived here. ' she said.

' How? I thought you couldn't even feel him?' I ask.

' I couldn't, but the Boss Rogue let him contact me. He asked me to marry him John. ' she said.

My eyes widened and I felt pure joy and sadness at the same time.

' I know. I feel the same. ' she said.

' I'm happy for you two. I swear Amber, we will get him back and when we do you two will have the best wedding ever. ' I say.

' I know. Thank you John. ' she says.

' We will make it through this Amber. I know it. ' I say.

I can almost feel her soft smile through the bond. ' Yes we will. '

I finish talking to her before I head up to give Kurt an update. This is all such a mess.

I never pictured this would be how my life turned out. This is almost like the fictional stuff you read in books.

You never think some of those things might actually happen to you and your family.

I never thought this would happen, but I also never pictured the perfect happily ever after. Those always seemed to far fetched.

Suddenly I bump into someone. The sudden bump jolts my injuries as I stumble back and grab onto the wall for support with my good hand.

The pain is white hot and burning through my side. I then feel hands on my back and shoulder steadying me.

" Crap, I'm so sorry John. I didn't see you there. Are you ok?"

I look up. It was Alpha Grace. I manage a nod and she helps me stand straighter.

" Did I hurt you badly?" She asks.

" No, you didn't. The sudden impact just jarred the injuries. Nothing to bad. " I say.

" Can I check the stitches on your side?" She asks. I merely nod.

I lift up my shirt and she goes straight to my bandages side. She winced. " I don't think there's supposed to be blood soaking the bandages. " she says.

I look and sure enough there's a red spot that's slowly growing. " Dang, must have tore the stitches. " I say.

" Here, I'm help you to the infirmary. They'll get you patched up and ready for tonight. Yeah, I heard about what's going on. " she said.

I nodded and sent a message out to Kurt. ' Hey Kurt, I talked to Amber. She's majorly ticked about what's going on. I have a lot to tell you soon. I'm heading down to the pack infirmary with Alpha Grace. We bumped into each other and I think my stitches tore. I'll still be ready for tonight. ' I say.

His reply was instant. ' Very well. Thank you for the update. I hope everything goes well with your stitches. '

I don't send back a reply because I know I don't need to. Alpha Grace follows next to me and we make our way to the infirmary.

I checked the stitches again and the blood was definitely increasing. The second we walked in I was ushered to a bed  and told to remove my shirt and lay back.

That is what I did. As they removed the bandages I couldn't help a small flinch of pain. It had been rather sensitive lately.

The skin around the cut was red and raised. The stitches had definitely ripped and blood was leaking out at a steady pace.

They got to work and did all they needed to in order to take care of it. They then stitched it back up and wrapped it up right.

Once they were done the doctor looked at me with a stern look. Uh oh.

" John, you have to be careful. This wound goes to your organs. I don't need you bleeding out internally. Thankfully this was just the stitches. " says the doctor.

" This was an accident. I didn't mean for it to happen. " I say.

" I know, I don't want you getting back to work yet. I know you've been helping out lately and that's good, but I needs to remain office work here in the pack house or at your house. Only wrong movements and you open this wound the wrong way, you will bleed out and die. Ok." Says the doctor.

I sigh sadly. " Yes sir. Thank you. " I say.

" I'll go let Alpha Kurt know. You rest up a few minutes before Alpha Grace here takes you home. I need you resting for the rest of today. " the doctor then walked away.

Well crap, there went me helping out tonight. What the heck am I supposed to do now?

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A/N. Hey guys. Sorry for the late reply. There's been a lot going on recently with family drama and it's caused me to have anxiety troubles, so it's been hard to find the want to write. Thank you all though for your votes and comments. They make me happy and it helps. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Until then guys. Bye :-)

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