Chapter 6.

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Alpha Conan's POV.

I sit there and wait for her answer. I know my offer is a lot for her and that she already has a lot on her plate.

I think it could help her though. She can learn more about running a pack and becoming the Luna she's meant to be.

I know I'm not the role model type, someone to learn from and all. I've done so many things that are unforgivable. If I could take them back now, I would. Every single one of the things I did wrong.

My son deserves a better father. I'm glad he got to spend the time he did with Alpha George before his death.

He was taught a lot that he needed to know that I just didn't tell him. I really wish I had listened to him in the first place. Then he could have met Amber at a pack party instead of in the woods like he did.

He wouldn't have been kidnapped or anything. At least I hope that would have prevented his kidnapping. Man I got so much to make up for.

" Y-you want me to be Luna of your pack?" She finally Says.

I smile at her. " It's not my pack any longer if you accept. I don't deserve to be Alpha. I've made so many mistakes and with how my mind is after losing my mate, I'm not fit to run a pack. I need someone to run it while Connor is gone and your his mate so your the best choice. " I say.

" If I say no?" She asks.

I see the hesitation in her eyes. " Then I will respect your decision and you can stay here and help search for Connor here and wait to become Luna until Connor is by your side. " I say.

" Who would you get to run your pack though?" She asks.

" My Bète will take over. I would keep my Alpha position until Connor returns, but any choice that is made regarding the Pack will be up to the Bète. I won't be in charge of anything. He could come to me for advice, but I won't be the one in charge. " I say.

She nods. " If I were to come and accept your offer. Would I still be able to search for Connor?"

" Of course. I would never keep you away from trying to find him. I know he means a lot to you and I know what it feels like to lose a mate. I don't want you to feel that. I won't keep your from searching for him, but you would also be running the pack, so half or your time would be spent learning and doing stuff with the pack." I say.

She looks down and thinks about this for a second. " What do you think Connor would say about this?" I ask.

" He would be hesitant to be around you for a long time, but he'd also be very excited to get to learn more and get closer to you as he became the Alpha he is meant to be. " she says.

" So what would he want you to do?" I ask.

" He would want me to accept. " she then looks at me. " I'll join you to your pack and become Luna. For him though, not for you. " she says.

That stings a bit, yes. I know I deserve it though for all I put them through. I smile at her.

" I'll do my best not to disappoint you. Thank you for accepting. You will be an amazing Luna. Connor will be proud when he returns. " I say. That  brings a smile to her face.

" I do wish things had turned out differently then they did. We all deserved better." She said.

I nod. " However, I am glad they happened the way they did. I'm not happy about those who got killed along the way, but I am happy the way things went led me to my mate. " she says.

" I understand what you mean. The past year has been the worst of my life. Losing her, my mind being warped by Wolf Bane. I didn't even know it. I went crazy with grief. I'm happy though. My son found you and he helped me find myself again. It still hurts to be without her. To not hear her laugh again, see her smile. I miss it more then anything. Thank you for loving my son. " I say.

She looks at me and grins. She then does something I never thought she'd do. She hugs me. It startled me so much, at first I don't respond. " You know your supposed to hug back when someone gives you a hug. " she says. I can hear the smile in her voice.

I laugh and hug her back. A few seconds later she moves back. " Let's finish what we're doing and then head back and tell everyone the news. " she says. I nod in response and the two of us get up.

We got back to work and started to search around. We didn't find anything no matter how hard we looked. There was no way a rogue broke into this pack.

No trace of foot prints, no scent of rogues. Nothing. There was just... nothing.

This is insane. I look at amber and nod. Then we take off for the pack house. The news we're going to tell them with shock them, but I think it's for the best. Amber deserves this.

With that last thought we run back in silence.

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A/N. Hey guys. I know it's been a while since I've posted. I'm been having some writers block. Plus I've been working a lot. Today was my first day off in about two to three weeks so I was finally able to get some writing done. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will hopefully update again soon. The next chapter will be in Connor's POV. Until then. :-)

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