Chapter 36.

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Amber's POV.

It's early morning when the mind link is sent out to the pack. I slept in one of the guest rooms.

I'll be taking over Connor's childhood room soon, but I didn't want to see it just yet, I want to take my time when I see it.

This pack meeting is to be held in the middle of the town on a little stage. Everyone will be gathered around it.

Today is the day. Today I become Luna of my own pack. It's called the Blue Moon Pack.

I like that name. It fits somehow, I only wish Connor was here to enjoy this with me.

I hope he's ok right now and resting. I just hope he's not in pain. I miss him so much.

A knock on my door is heard just as I'm putting on my shoes. I've already gotten ready for the day.

I open the door. It's Alpha Conan. He's holding something in his hand. It's a small box. I can't help, but to wonder what is inside.

" Good morning Alpha Conan. " I say.

" Good morning Amber. I hope I didn't interrupt anything. " he says.

" I shake my head and motion for him to come in. " Not at all. You came at a good time. " I say.

He walks in and I leave the door open. I sit on a stool that's in front of the mirror and grab my brush.

I start to brush out all tangles so I can put it up. It's too hot to have it on my neck.

" I have a gift for you. " says Alpha Conan.

I freeze and look at him through the mirror. I turn and look at him fully.

" We've always wanted to start our own pack tradition. My mate wanted to so badly. She wanted every future Luna to be given this. " he said.

He pulled it out of the box and showed it to me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped in awe.

It was a ring. It was pure iron. Flat around. The design was of trees and bishes, but when you got to the top it showed two wolves.

One, which you could tell was the male wolf, and the other, which was the female, had her hear tucked under his.

Only the males eyes had two blue gems in them as a symbol of glowing eyes and the male had only one eyes partly blue. Just line mine.

I look at him confused. " There are different wolves out there that carry different powers. She met one with green eyes when she was a child. She wanted a special ring and this guy could make anything with his powers. It's like he could control the elements and he made this for her. It wasn't glowing like this when I put it in the box. Last time I saw it, only the female wolf had glowing blue eyes. Once she died they went dull until today. " he says handing it to me.

I hold it carefully in my hands as I look closely at it. " What does this mean?" I ask.

" I not sure. It's got the blue you two have in your eyes. It's yours. I would feel honored and I know my mate would be so happy if you were to wear that as our future Luna." He said.

I smile and look at him. " Thank you so much. I'll wear it. " I say.

He grinned. I slipped it on one of my fingers on my right hand. It fit so perfectly, like it was meant for me.

He smiled. " Perfect fit. " I grin at him.

" Come, it's time for breakfast, then we start the day. " says Alpha Conan.

" You Guys got coffee right?" I ask.

He laughs. " Yes we do. My mate couldn't live without it. " he said.

I give a slight cheer. " Yay!" I say.

I just forget about putting my hair up. I snap a hair tie to my wrist and proceed to follow Alpha Conan out of the room and down the stairs to where we met the others for breakfast.

Tasha was talking up a storm with Clayton's mother. Good, both his parents like her.

That's always a good thing. As we pass the hallway I freeze. There on the wall in a picture frame with a picture of Connor and a woman standing behind him.

She could only be his mother. She was beautiful. She had straight black hair that was shoulder length. One side was behind her ear. She had stunning solid blue eyes just like Connor did.

Only hers were brighter somehow. She had a hand on her sons shoulder and was looking at him with a look of pure love.

Connor looked a lot like her with the nose of his father and the chin of his father. The rest was his mother's.

" She was beautiful. Wasn't she." He didn't ask it. It was a statement.

I simply nod. " Yes she was. I've never seen a picture of her before." I say.

He smiles, but doesn't say anything else. We then turn and head to the kitchen to the others.

Tasha jumps up and hugs me the second I enter the room. I laugh.

Yeah, today's going to be fun. Busy, but tons of fun and I get to spend this time with my best friend.

I don't know what I would do without her. She leads me to the table and places food in front of me.

We start eating and talking about how the day is going to go. My eyes keep drifting back to the ring.

It's like some mystical power is in it. I don't know what it means. However, I will honor Connor's mother and wear this ring as the future Luna.

I only wish both her and Connor could be here right now to celebrate this day with us.

Things happen for a reason. I know that, I'll will just ride it out and see what happens from here.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed. I found the picture of the ring.

It's just like my book cover so I had to choose this

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It's just like my book cover so I had to choose this. The next chapter will be in Connor's POV. Until then :-)

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