Chapter 65.

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Cassandra's POV.

I am currently running around with Kurt's mothers as the two of us help the cooks get everything set.

We're setting the table and filling glasses. We are helping get the food ready to present.

While we do this, Kurt is getting ready to start greeting pack members as they walk in.

I'm so proud of him for thinking of this. It is something everyone desperately needs, especially after a huge attack like the one that just happened.

When I heard the mind link go out, I just simply smiled. His mother started crying, but they were tears of joy. For the first time in a long time.

She's been slowly deteriorating since the loss of her mate. She's been trying to act strong, but I can see the loss is weighing on her.

While Kurt runs the pack, I've been taking care of his mother. Making sure she eats and takes a shower and all. I've even just sat there with her countless times as she has cried her heart out for the loss of her mate.

She has nightmares about it and has been growing depressed. This is the first time in a while that she has felt this way.

Helping the pack was something she adored doing and now that she's able to do something, well, I just haven't seen her this happy in a long time. It's a good sight to see.

Finally, after finishing everything, I go to stand with Kurt as we greet the pack members as they enter.

They are all dressed up and each and everyone has a smile on their face. Amber's family is there and John looks better. Not much, but it's the best he's looked in days.

His arm and side is still bandaged. It'll take a while for that to heal still. Not too much longer though.

Kurt walks up to me before we go sit down. " This is a much bigger turn out then I thought it would be. I never expected this many people to show up short notice. " says Kurt.

" That's because they love you Kurt. They loved your father and these pack dinners he would do. It meant the world to them, and to do it again means everything. " I say.

" Look, it's even put a smile on John's face. " says Kurt.

" You did good honey. " I say. The nickname leaving my lips before I even knew what I was saying.

However. I know he loved it by the kiss he gives me in return. " You are so amazing. You know that?" He says.

I grin at him. " Only for you. " I say. He laughs. " Come on, let's go sit down. "

I take his hand and pull him over to the table. We sit down and so does everyone. Almost the entire pack is here.

This is amazing. Kurt stands up once everyone is seated. Everyone looks at him with smiles and faces full of joy.

" I know things have been crazy around here. It's so good to see each and everyone of you here again. Today is not to mourn about our losses, but to celebrate all they did for us and for the sacrifice they made to this pack. The ones who gave up their lives for this pack will be remembered for years to come. Their deaths will not be in vain for we will put a stop to the rogues and their leader, but for now. Let's celebrate and enjoy this time we have with each other. Together as a pack. Together as one. " says Kurt.

Everyone started to clap, cheers rang out and people stood up to bow to Kurt on respect.

They love him. I can't help the beaming smile that comes across my face. With that, Kurt sits back down and the cooks start to bring out the food. Once everything is laid out across the table, they take their seats and the feast begins.

People starts talking and filling their plates up with food. Laughs were heard and there was a smile on every face.

Kurt's mother was so happy that I could practically feel the joy rolling off of her. Kurt was looking over at John.

That's when we realized something. John was actually communicating with others. Not talking, but doing everything else he could.

Alpha Grace was next to him and John didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he seemed to enjoy her company.

As the night rolled on, plates grew empty and stomachs began to grow full. Spirits never seemed to dim though.

As dinner grew to an end, desert was brought out and people enjoyed that just as much as they did dinner.

Tonight has been one of the best nights this pack has had in a very long time. Tonight has been a night this pack has so desperately needed.

A night of relaxation and fellowship between friends and pack members, loved ones and mates.

I haven't been this relaxed since before Connor got arrested. I wish Connor and Clayton were here with me.

That will be done at another time though. That will be a great time. I'm so excited for it. Things will get better as time goes along. I just know if.

When the night came to a close. Everyone left with a smile on their faces and bows of respect towards Kurt.

It was just fantastic to see everyone having such a good time. Once they were gone, Kurt, his mother and I started to help the cooks clean up.

It took about a hour, but it was worth every minute of it. By the end of the night we put his mother to bed and she was so relaxed it was amazing.

Kurt and I then went to bed. I laid next to him. We were both in pajamas. " Thank you Kurt. " I say.

"  You never have to say thank you.  " he said.

" Kurt?" I ask.

He looks at me. " Yes. "

" Let's get married. " I say.

He practically shoots up from where he was sitting and looks at me. His eyes as wide as saucers.

" What?" He says.

" Let's get married Kurt. I'm ready and I want to be fully mated to you and we can't until we are married. That's not even the full reason I want to get married. " I say.

I moved to where I was next to him and looking straight at him. " I love you Kurt. So much and tonight has shown me that you are so kindhearted. Even more then I could have ever thought. I want to be your wife, your mate and soon, the mother of your children. Let's get married. " I say.

The beaming smile that takes over his face just makes me giggle in excitement. " This calls for something so special. " he says getting up.

He goes over to a drawer and brings out a box. " I have been thinking about this for a while now Cassandra. I want to be fully mates too. I want to marry you more then anything. So I got this from my mother a while ago. " he says turning towards me.

He got down in front of me, down on one knee and presents me with a gorgeous ring.

" My father gave this to my mother when he asked her to marry him. It was her engagement ring. Cassandra, I love you now, always and forever and I will never, ever do anything to wrong you. I will be the man you need me to be. Your protector, your husband and the father to our children. Cassandra, will you marry me?" He asks.

I grin at him. " Yes. Yes I will. Always. " I say.

He slips the ring on my finger and I tackle him to the ground. Our lips meet in a kiss and the rest of the night melts away.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This has been one of my favorites to write. Not sure who's POV next. Let me know if there is one you want to see. I will update again as soon as I can. Until then. :-).

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