Chapter 72.

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Clayton's POV.

It's so quiet out here. Everyone is currently camped out in their wolf form. I'm on watch right now while everyone else sleeps.

We've been checking around the woods for a day or two now. No sign of rogues or anything close to that. We will be heading back soon.

I'm curious as to where these rogues have been hiding out. If they are not here, then they are being housed in a pack nearby. The closest one is Alpha Ronan's pack.

I sure hope that's not the case. Alpha Ronan has always been an inspiration to me. He's always followed to old rules. The way packs used to be run. He has always been good at that.

If he is housing then, I wonder what they could be holding against him, or if he just let them in? I'm sure all this craziness will be figured out soon.

I miss Tasha already. She the most amazing person I've ever met. I couldn't have asked for a better mate. I'm about ready to take the next step in our relationship. I'm going to ask to mark her soon.

I hope she agrees. It would mean the world to me. If she doesn't, that's ok too. I will wait a lifetime if that's what she wanted. I love her so much.

A snap of twigs in the forest brings me out of my thoughts. I stand up slowly and start to look around. My wolf letting me see things clearer in the dark.

That's when I spot someone I never thought I would see out here. Standing in front of me in human form is none other then Connor.

I blink furiously. I have to be dreaming. There's no way he's here. He then offers me a smile when I look at him again. This smile was like the old ones hers given me before.

It's like the old Connor is back. Only difference is, he doesn't look hurt or anything. He doesn't even look like he's escaped. I have to be careful with how I handle this.

" Hey Clayton. Been a while. " he said with a smile.

He takes a step forward and I give a warning growl. He holds up his hands in surrender. " Can we just talk? Friend to friend? " he asks.

That's when I notice something is off with him. He doesn't look at me the way he used to. His eyes are different. They hold no recognition in them.

That's when I realize he's just trying to distract me. This is a trap. I tilt my head up and go to howl. Only I'm stopped when he jumps on me and clamps my mouth shut with his arms.

" Not one noise mutt!! " he snarled at me.

The sudden weight on me caused me to fall down. He's now pinning me to the ground. Other rouges are slowly emerging from the trees. This was all a trap. Gosh I'm so stupid!! I should have known him showing up was a trap!! I should have known!!

' Connor, whatever you're about to do, please don't do it?' I say into his mind through mind link.

I see him flinch back and then snarl at me. " How do you know my name?!" He growled.

' Please Connor, I'm your friend. ' I say to him.

He looks confused. They seriously warped his mind. My friend since childhood doesn't even remember me anymore.

" I don't..." he starts.

' We've know each other for a long time Connor. We grew up together. We were raised together. You, Cassandra and I. We're best friends. Please Connor?' I say.

He growls a little. The rogues are getting closer and growling more. " Sorry kid, but I don't know you. " he says.

' Yes you do.' I urge. He looks a bit startled for a second. ' You do know me. How else would you have known my name when you walked up here. '

He takes that into consideration. " I have to do my job Clay, sorry. " he said.

Seconds later he nods and all the rogues howl as loud as they could. Everyone waking up right away and Alpha Conan could only stare in shock at the sight of his son.

Connor smirked evilly and dug his nails into my face. I whined as my wolf. It did hurt, his grip was a lot worse then when we used to wrestle as kids or when we were training before all this crap went down.

" Connor?" Breathed Alpha Conan.

" Time to wrap this up shall we. Chase the others. I got the Alpha. " says Connor.

They howled again before they took off after the others. I snarled and tried to fight. I had to help protect them. Connor tightened his grip in response and chuckled.

" You ain't getting away that easily Clay." He said.

He hasn't called me that nickname since we were kids. I wonder why he would be calling me that now. Alpha Conan was standing now.

" Release him son. " says Alpha Conan.

Connor barks out a laugh. " Oh please, I wouldn't be your son if you were the last dad on the planet. I have no family. " laughed Connor.

I could tell Alpha Conan was trying not to flinch at that. Connor's look then darkened considerably. He looked more dangerous then I'd ever seen him look. " You won't be leaving here alive Alpha. Beat accept that while you can. " says Connor.

I try to fight again. Connor growls and pulls back a hand. He brings in back in a hard punch to the face that renders me completely limp. My vision slowly started to fade. I could tell right away I was going to pass out.

I tried to use my strength, I tried to help. I don't want to hurt my friend, or for my friend to get hurt. He's already hurt enough.

He cast me one last look. That's when I see it. A spark of recognition. He knows me. At that I feel my small spark of hope soar. I know then that soon we can get out Connor back. I just hope Alpha Conan can capture him.

As my vision slowly fades I see Connor turn to Alpha Conan and grin. " You're going down Alpha. Better enjoy your last few minutes while you can. " he then lunged forward and shifted.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Connor as his wolf tackling Alpha Conan.

Then everything went black and I was out.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Got this up quicker then my last one lol. Not sure who's POV to do next. Let me know who's you want. In other news. I'm doing a lot better. My new calm down meds are making me feel more like my old self then I have in over a year. I hope to get to writing more now that I'm feeling better. Thanks for enjoying and reading this book serious. Until next time guys. :-)

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