Chapter 78.

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Connor's POV.

It's been hours since that Alpha came down to speak to me. I'm surprised they haven't come to interrogate me yet. Don't they normally do that to rogues?

Whatever, I guess they have better things to do right now. As for me, I am so freakin' bored right now. I'm currently laying back on the little bed in here staring at the ceiling.

Heck, I'm starving. They have yet to bring me any food. I skipped dinner last night to do that mission for Alpha.

If I don't get food soon my stomach will start to eat itself. As if on cue with that thought, I hear the slam of a door and footsteps coming my way. Finally!

I sit up and throw my legs over the edge of the bed. The person that comes into view is the same one I knocked out in order to fight that stupid Alpha. Clayton I think. Why does he seem so familiar?

He's carrying a tray of food and slips it through the area in the bars meant for food. I step closer and take a look. Looks like a cowl of beef stew with some bread on the side and a packet of crackers. The drink was a glass of water.

This is a surprisingly good looking meal for a prison. I take the tray and go sit down. " I'm surprised you guys are serving prisoners good food like this. " I say.

" Luna insists we treat the prisoners with respect. " says Clayton.

" She's got good instincts. I'll give her that one day her kindness will be the death of her. " I say taking a bite.

It actually tastes amazing. " Not if we have anything to say about it." He responds.

I chuckle. " Then it will be your death too. "

He crosses his arms and stares at me with a look I can't place. " How did you know my name back in the woods?" He suddenly asks.

I freeze mid bite. How did I know his name? " Lucky guess. " I said.

He smirks. " I highly doubt that. " he says.

" What do you know?" I growl.

" More then you think. " he responds.

I growl and take another bite. My mind goin in back to the food. There are steamed carrots and potatoes in here as well. The sauce was made with actual tomato's and they used salt and pepper. It tastes fantastic.

" Complements to the chef. " I say.

He gives me a knowing smirk. " I'll let Luna know you like her cooking. " he says.

I almost choke on my next bite. That stupid girl! Why would she cook for me?! It doesn't make any sense.

He chuckled. " I know. She insisted though. She normally cooks the first meal for the new prisoners. " he said.

" Aww. What a sweet Luna. " I say sarcastically.

" Do you have a Luna to look up to with your group of rogues?" He asks.

I laugh. " Nope, just Alpha. " I say.

I then look at him. " Do you have an Alpha? I've only heard you say Luna so far. " I say.

" No, not yet. We will get one soon. Luna is just waiting for her mate. " he says.

" Oh, so she has a mate?" I ask.

" He's a bit indisposed at the moment. What about you?" He asks.

" Me?!" I throw my head back and let out a bark of laughter. " I don't have a mate. Alpha told me my mate died when he saved me. "

" Saved you how? I only know that man to be heartless! He's cruel. " he spat.

I feel anger well you in my chest. I set the food to the side and stand up to face him. " I was abandoned by my pack. I don't remember much. Only these vague memories. He said I got some back head trauma. All I know is he took me in when I needed help the most. He is anything, but heartless. " I growl.

" We can heal from any head trauma. He's lying to you. Can't you see that. I bet he and his buddies are just laughing at you behind your back. " he growls.

I snarl and step as close to him as I possibly can. " Some head trauma you can't heal from. Even werewolves like ourselves. You wouldn't know the first thing about head trauma. " I growl.

" Actually I would. " he says. He turns his head and moves some of his hair out of the way. There on the side of his head covered by his hair was a nasty looking scar.

" I was playing with my two best friends as a kid. We built this tree house. Our first ladder to her up there broke when I was at the top. I fell and woke up six weeks later in the packs infirmary. I didn't remember much of myself and or my friends. I only know my parents. It took a few months, but I healed and remembered everything. " he says. I could only stare in shock as he turned to face me again.

" You can heal from head trauma. Either his buddies are lying to him and he's telling you what he hears or he is more delusional then I thought. " he says.

I snarl. " That's a lie. Ronan is stupid. My Alpha would never take his word. He hates having to work with that freak of an Alpha!!" I snarl. My anger flaring up so badly at how he talks about my Alpha.

His look changes right away. I look at him confused for a second. " Thank you for your time. " he then turns and walks out.

I stand there confused. What the heck is he going on about? I think over our conversation again.

My eyes widen in horror as I realize what I just gave away. Oh gosh, Alpha is going to be so upset with me.

Clayton will be the first to die when I get out of here. That I can promise. How dare he make a fool out of me! That will be the worst mistake of his life. I'll make sure of it.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this one. The dialog was pretty fun to make. Poor Connor lol. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. More things are getting answered. Until next time guys. :-).

Also, I have something to bring up to you guys. I don't think I want to end this series with this book. What would guys think if I continued this story with a few more books? I also have a spin-off series planned. Let me know what you think?

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