Chapter 23.

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Amber's POV.

Hours later we are in Connor's spot in the woods. All laying on our backs in a circle.

Our heads next to each other. Some of us are dozing off. As for me, I doubt I'll be getting any sleep tonight.

I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm leaving the pack I grew up in. My childhood house, my family.

It's a lot to take in. All I'm taking with me tomorrow is a back pack full of clothes and everyday necessities.

I also am taking a few personal items. Such as my iPod, a family portrait, and something my mom gave me when o turned 16.

I was a little box. She told me not to open it until I was 18. My 18th birthday is coming up.

It's two weeks away. I was hoping to spend my birthday with Connor. I hope we can find him soon.

I'd give anything to have him here with me now. Even with everyone here tonight, this place just feels empty.

Clayton and Tasha aren't as talkative and humorous as they usually are. Cassandra keeps staring Amelia down. It's safe to say, she just never trusted her.

Kurt has been talking to John. I haven't really said a word since we got here. I'm nervous about this new position I'm getting.

I would much rather Connor be by my side during this. I'd give anything to speak with him right now. To know he's ok, to know he's alive.

As I'm looking at the stars I manage a small smile. Connor loved to look at the stars.

Tears sting my eyes. A deep sadness comes over me. I can't help it though. It's just not right to be doing this without him.

A sob burst from my throat. I tried to conceal it, but all that did was make me sound like a wounded animal.

All talking stops and I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I feel someone hug me from the side.

" I miss him too Amber. " says Cassandra. Tasha curled up on my other side.

I just start crying harder. I've tried to keep it at bay all day, but it proved pointless.

" I m-miss him. So much!" I cry.

" I know Amber. Connor's strong. If we don't find him, he will make his way back to us. He always does. " says Cassandra.

" This doesn't feel right. " I say.

" What doesn't feel right?" Asks Kurt.

" This!! Sitting here without him, me becoming Luna without him. It's not right. It's not fair!" I cry going back to crying into Tasha's shoulder.

" I know it's not. I am so sorry this is happening. No one should have to deal with this. " says Amelia.

She was laying around my head practically. I let out a sad laugh. " Listen to me. I'm sitting here wallowing in my pain. I'm sorry Kurt. You've had it hard too. I shouldn't have all attention on me. " I say.

He gives me a sad smile as I sit up. They all follow suit. " My dad can't come back Amber, Connor can. Connor is alive, my father isn't. My point is, I'll mourn, but that's the main thing that will happen. There is nothing else I can do about it. Connor is still alive, and we sure as heck can do something about that. We will find him. " says Kurt.

" What about the other Alpha's? When they go back to their packs, will they still continue to help us?" I ask.

" Yes, Alpha Benjamin is still going to help us from his pack. Alpha Grace has decided she will stay another week to help. As for Alpha Lucas, he will be returning to his pack tomorrow, but he will leave Matt and Clair here to assist my pack and I in our search. He will continue searching from his pack also. " says Kurt.

I smile. That's good to know. " So Kurt, Alpha? How does being called that feel?" I ask.

He laughs. " So weird. To have your father call me Alpha. Gosh, it's so weird. " he said.

I laugh, we all do. " What about you Luna! " I say looking at Cassandra.

She laughs at that. " It'll take some getting used to, I can assure you of that. However, I think I'll learn to love this job. " she says.

Tasha nudges me. " What about you, Luna! " she says.

They burst out laughing again. I do too and shake my head at her. " I don't know if I'm ready for it, but there are a few things I'm going to do once I'm in control of the pack. " I say.

" Oh spill. What do you plan to change first?" Says Clayton.

" First off, I'm going to change how the pack prison is run. Anyone not given a trial will get a trial. Anyone injured will be treated and all cells are to be cleaned and improved. According to Connor they were awful. " I say.

" That sounds amazing Amber. That prison really needs work. A heating and cooling system. Windows and a lot of cleaning. " says Cassandra.

" I'll make sure that is done. I won't let anyone ever go through what Connor did there. " I say.

" It's a start. I'm excited to see the new things you will be doing there. " says Clayton.

I smile at him. " Thank you guys, for your support. It means a lot to me. " I say.

" We will always be here for you Amber. Never forget that." Says Kurt.

" I'm coming with you there. You ain't getting rid of me that easily. " says Tasha.

I laugh. " Wouldn't dream of it sis." I say.

She grins wildly at me. This is why I love my family so much. No matter what we're all going through. No matter if their going through something worse then what I am, they still manage to find a way to cheer me up and show me that things will turn out good. That I should never lose hope.

That's what a family does, so with that I spend the rest of my time here in Connor's spot with my family.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update again soon. Not sure who's POV. Comment who's you want to see if you can. Until then. :-)

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