Chapter 81.

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Clair's POV.

These days have been crazy lately. Everyone worrying about something or just the sorrow felt from those who have lost loved ones. Alpha Lucas alerted me a few days ago after Connor had attacked our home pack and killed a lot of humans with rogues, he told me that Matt's parents were killed in the attack.

I've been trying to find a way to tell him. It's going to break his heart. He's always been so close with his parents and I don't want to be the one to tell him.

I'm his mate though, so it's my responsibility to tell him. Right now we're at the outside training arena. I'm sitting to the side watching Matt take down a pack member that challenged him for fun.

It was funny to watch. I guess this guy didn't think Matt has trained against wolves before and even fought in a few battles. Back when our loved came together. We had people that didn't like humans at all.

Matt was even the victim to a nasty attack once. My brother managed to show up in time to save him. It's just been a lot of stuff happening and he has always had his parents by his side to support him.

They didn't react like I thought they would have when we told them werewolves were real and that their son was mated to one. They just smiled and went along with it. They had their questions of course, but nothing was bad about it.

" YES!! " cried Matt suddenly.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked. He's laughing and standing up after having pinned the guy to the ground and got him to tap out. He looked so happy and I loved seeing him like this.

Matt knows about the attack that happened to the pack. He doesn't however, know his parents died in it.

Gosh this is going to suck. I wish there was an easy way to break it to him. I don't know how though. It's not like I can give him a cake that says, hey, your parents were killed by rogues.

If he were a wolf like me, he would have sensed his family dead by now. He would feel it through the bond. Because he is human, it doesn't work that way.

I wish he already knew, but I'm also glad he didn't have to feel the bond between them break. It's an awful feeling. I love him so much and I hate to see him upset.

He's been the best mate I could have ever asked for. He's sweet, wicked smart, a great fighter, fast runner and he is almost fearless when it comes to facing a rogue head on. He's so caring.

I wish everyone had a mate like him. He looks over and me and grins. Only it falters a few seconds later when I know he's sensing my emotions. He can only sense mine since we are mates.

He starts to walk over to me. He sits down next to me. " What wrong?" He asks in a soft voice.

" Do you mind if we take this to a more private location. I have something very important to tell you. " I say.

He nods and together we get up and head out to the pack house. No ones around, so we decide to sit on the porch.

I sigh and look down. " What's got you so upset Clair?" He asks. I look up at him and I see the look of pure concern on his face.

" I have some bad. Was for you and you're really not going to like it. " I say softly.

Confusion comes across his face. " When the rogues attacked our pack, they killed a lot of humans. " I say.

He nods. " Yeah, I know that part. Alpha Lucas told me. " he said.

" He didn't tell you everything. " I say.

" I don't understand. Clair, please just be straight here. Tell me what's going on? " he asks softly. He's never once raised his voice at me or tried to order me around. He's so sweet.

I hate having to tell him this. " You're parents died in that attack, Matt. They are dead. " I say.

His entire face goes blank of any emotion. He just stares for a bit. " Show me. I want proof. " he says.

I nod, I really don't want to show him what Alpha Lucas sent me, but I have no choice. I send the images of them over mind link. There they lay, his parents next to each other. Blankets over their wounds, but it was clear to see the blood that had soaked through around the gruesome neck wounds that killed them.

I then hear a small sob. I look over and Matt has tears pouring down his face. " I'm so sorry Matt. I was trying to find a way to tell you. I just.... I didn't know how. I'm sorry. " I cry.

I expect anger, anger at me not telling him, anger because all of this happened. Instead he reaches over and grabs my arm gently. He pulls me into his lap and practically cradles me against his chest.

I can feel the sobs flowing through him. The trembling of his body. I can feel the sorrow from him through our bond. " I-it's ok Clair. I know you were trying to do what's best for me. Thank you for telling me. I love you so much. " he says.

I have tears in my eyes now. I blink and they run down my face. " So you forgive me? " I ask.

" There's nothing to forgive sweetie. You were protecting me. We have each other and that's all that matters. " he says.

I let out a sob now. " I Love you so much too. "

He just holds me tight and the two of us cry out our sorrow over our losses.

He's right. We may have it hard right now, but we have each other and that's all that matters.

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A/N. Hey guys, thought I'd give you an update with them. They are still with Kurt at his pack in case you were wondering. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Let me know one you want to see. Until then. :-)

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