Chapter 85.

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Clayton's POV.

It's a weird feeling to be the one in charge, to be the responsible one when I've always been the crazy kid out of the three of us. Connor, Cassandra and I. Now I'm in charge of a small prison exchange.

Across from me, Connor is leaning back resting. He is still in the sweatshirt given to him last night. I think he finds comfort in the scents on it. I know he recognized his own scent. I'm shocked he isn't freaking out about it now. I would be.

The second scent on it is Amber's. She apparently wore that sweatshirt to sleep every night since she arrived here. I know it relaxes him because it's his mates scent. He doesn't know that yet.

I've been told not to tell him anything. We talked to the pack doctor and he told us that the best thing to do is surround him with scents he knows. Voices of people he loves, foods he loves. Anything that could somehow jog his memory.

Amber handed me some of Connor's clothes for this trip. That way Connor has something of his own to change into. She made sure her scent was on every bit of the clothing and put it in the bag to maintain the scent during our ride.

She even packed a few more brownies. After a bit Connor opened his eyes and looked around. " Something on your mind?" I ask.

" How long will this trip be?" He asked.

" Should be about a full day more. " I say.

He tilts his head back and groans in annoyance. " I hate long trips. " he groans.

I have to make myself not laugh. He sounds so much like he used to. He hated trips to pucks that took long when he was little.

He looked at me again. He didn't speak, just kept staring for the longest time. Finally I had enough of that. " What?! " I snap.

" There's something about you that I can't figure out. " he says.

I tilt my head to the side. " Explain?" I ask.

" That's the thing, I'm not sure how to explain it. I feel like I know you, but I have no memory of you. Yet I knew your name when we met. " he said.

" Maybe you knew someone who looked like me. " I suggested.

He sighed in frustration. " Whatever. " he growled. We then go back into a semi-comfortable silence.

As the hours pass, my boredom grows. This is why the fun one should not be out on prison transport duty. I wouldn't change my role for anything though. I'd rather see him there safely.

I miss Tasha already. She's been strong through all of this. I know it's difficult for her as well, because she not only lost a friend, but she's having to watch her best friend go through this and remain strong her her. That takes bravery. I love her so much!!

I've been thinking about it a lot and I think I'm ready to take the next step with her. I want to complete part of our bond by marking her. I'm going to ask her when I get back. If she's not ready, then I'll wait for however long it takes. I'd give that woman the world.

" So how'd  you meet?" Connor asks suddenly.

I snap out of my thoughts to see he's staring at me. " Come again?" I say.

" Your girl. You were obviously thinking of her. I saw that love struck look in your eyes. How did you two meet?" He asks.

I growl lowly. " Why should I tell you?" I growl.

It's sad that I can't even trust my friend right now. He rolls his eyes, then proceeds to hold up his hands. That caused the chains to rattle. " Dude, I'm chained up. It's not like I'm going to go after her for revenge. I my be a rogue, but I'm not that heartless. " he says.

I glare at him. " I'll only answer if you promise to answer some of mine. " I say, might as well get some answers from him if I can.

He actually throws his head back and let's put a laugh. " You're lucky I'm so bored right now. Otherwise, you wouldn't be getting crap from me. " he said.

I huffed a small laugh. " I met her not to long ago. I was with my friends. We helped free one of them from a bad situation and his mate brought her friend along. Turns out she was my mate. I remember smelling her scent for the first time. It was like nothing I'd ever smelt before. She's one of a kind. " I said.

He is actually looking at me with a curious look. " That sounds cool. You two looked happy together. " he said.

" We are. " I reply.

" Ok, your turn. " he said.

" How did you become a rogue?" I ask.

He shrugs. " I'm honestly not sure. I can't remember a lot. According to Alpha, I was in a very bad accident done to me by my old pack. It wiped my mind or something. He saved me, gave me a home when I had nothing. I owe him everything. " says Connor.

So that's why he told him. Lie after lie. That's just freakin' great! " You must trust him a lot. " I say.

" I wouldn't go that far. I trust him a bit, but the first thing I learned about rogues, you can't trust anyone, but yourself. " he says. I nod.

" Your turn. " I say.

He smiles. " Tell me about your Luna. " he said.

I freeze at that. I can't give anything away. I'll have to be careful how I phrase this. " She's a very respected woman. Kind to her pack, very loyal to them. She would do anything to keep them safe. She's also the strongest woman I've ever met. " I say.

He nods. " Your turn. " he says.

I smile a bit. We got back a forth like that for a while. Just killing time. I hope our Connor comes back soon. I miss him a lot.

It is good to just be around him. I just hope some of this jobs his memory a little. Until then, I will just take what I can.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Let me know who's you want to see. Until next time guys. :-).

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