Chapter 3.

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Connor's POV.

Man my head hurts. It's dark when I wake. I'm not sure where I am.

All I know is a feel burning pain from what I can only guess is silver. It's around my neck and wrists. Chains maybe?

I try to remember what happened, it's all a blur in my mind right now. I shake my head to try and clear it, but all that does is send pain down my neck from the silver.

I just sit back and wait for my memory to clear up. Once it does I'm left horrified. The Boss Rogue killed Alpha George.

He kidnapped me. Oh gosh, this is so bad. What am I going to do? I then gasp. Amber.

' Amber, can you hear me?' I try over mind link. Nothing, I can't feel her anymore. It's like it was before we became mates. She's just not there.

' Amber?!!' I try again. Nothing.

" You won't be able to contact her Connor. Don't waste your energy trying. " says a voice that sends chills down my spine.

I look up as the lights come on. I want to flinch back at the brightness, but I don't.

The Boss Rogue is standing there looking at me. " Why did you take me?" I growl at him.

He smirks. " I have my reasons. I am sorry about your Alpha. " he says before sitting down in a chair.

I look at him confused. " You murdered him and your sorry?!" I snarl.

" I had no grudge against him. He was just someone that got in the way. " says the Boss Rogue.

" Seriously?! You could have left him alive. Now you'll have the entire pack looking for you. " I say.

" I'm aware, but they won't find me. Not for a long time. " he says.

" Your insane. " I say.

" Possibly yes. I saw you made up with your father. " he says.

I shake my head. " Of course you saw that. " I growl.

" Your Alpha power was pretty impressive. I'm surprised you jumped into it that quickly. " he says.

" I don't care what you think about it." I snarl.

" Oh I know. I was just stating my opinion anyway. " he says.

He stands up and walks over to me. I don't move an inch. He gets down and grabs the silver around my neck. It was a silver dollar connected to silver chains.

" These are to keep you from shifting. The cuffs around your wrist are to keep you in place. " he says.

" What is it with you and silver?" I ask.

He laughs. " It doesn't hurt me. Nothing can hurt me more then when I lost my mate. I know silver hurts our kind, which is why I experiment with it to see how much I need to hurt, weaken, or kill a wolf. This will only weaken you. " he says.

" How many wolves have you killed with your experiments?" I growl.

" To many to count. I had to make sure I got it right. Couldn't afford to lose anyone valuable. " he says.

" I realize what my dad did to your family was awful, but there's no need to do all this. " I say.

He grips the silver collar and jerks it closer to him hard. Wrong thing to say I take it.

" You have no right to speak about them. No right!!" He snarls before throwing me back into the wall.

He growls and walks back over to the chair. He sits down. " Your father betrayed me and I made him lose his mate and son. If it weren't for you I would have succeeded with the rest of my plan with turning Rick's own daughter against him. Now, I had to think of something new. You forced me to up my game. Now with you out of the picture I can do what I need to for my revenge. " he says.

Fear fills me at that. " Don't hurt Amber. " I say.

He smirks. " I'm still debating what I want to do. I could turn you against everyone, hmm no that wouldn't do any good. " he mumbles to himself.

I don't care what he does, as long as he doesn't touch her again. " I'm surprised she survived the Wolf Bane I out through her. It was to late to stop it. I'm curious, how did you manage that?" He asks.

" She's very strong. She survived until we got back to the pack house and the doctors fixed her up. " I lie quickly.

He leans back and smirks. " You must have great doctors at that pack. "

" The best. " I state. It's true. They fixed me up and took care of her after the Wolf Bane.

" Your lying to me. " he says.

I look at him confused, how would he be able to tell I'm lying. He wasn't even there when I healed her. He doesn't know. I need to make sure it stays that way.

" No I'm not. " I say.

" There's no way she could have made that trip back. She only had minutes left. She would have been dead by the time you made it to the pack. " he says.

" She's very strong. She made it longer then we thought and we got her help. " I say.

He snarls then. So loud and viscous that I flinch back in shocks.

" Don't try to hide the truth from me. I know that truth boy!!" He snarls.

" Yeah, and what I said was the truth. " I snap back at him.

" No it's not. You forget how powerful I am boy. I have spies everywhere. " he says.

" I'm the pack?" I ask.

" Definitely. In your pack, in another as well. I know. " he says.

He stands up. " The only way amber could have survived that Wolf Bane is if she was healed by magic. " he said.

" Magic isn't real. " I say.

" No, but only one rare type of wolf is born with it. They have solid blue eyes. Your mother was one. You healed her Connor. I know. " he says.

" Know what?" I say even though I know what he answer is going to be.

" Your a rare Blue Eyed Healer." He Says.

Crap he does know. This is bad.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know who's POV you want to see next. Until then :-)

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