Chapter 26.

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Amber's POV.

( A/N. Note that I am not a doctor, but I do know some stuff lol. Hope you enjoy. )

We paced outside anxiously for news on my brothers condition. What's the most concerning thing is where that dagger was located.

I can't believe this has happened! We fell asleep for a hour at most and wake to howling.

I also can't believe that Amelia ran away. This was her mate! If that was Connor I'd be by his side every second I was able too.

I got to leave tomorrow!! How am I supposed to leave when John is hurt?!

They may need me here. As I'm thinking to myself Alpha grace walks up to me.

" He will be ok. I'm sure he will. " she said.

" I know, but with him hurt, how am I supposed to just leave tomorrow?" I say.

" Same way as the rest of us." She walks close to me to where she's right in front of me. Her arms are crossed. " You just do it. "

I look at her confused. " I know it won't make sense right now. Family is all you've know. Right now, there is a pack in desperate need of leadership. There is a pack that needs you. " she says.

" John needs me too." I reply.

" While that may be true, your parents are here for him. He has a mate. You have other responsibilities. " she says.

I sigh and sit down on the closest chair. " How do you do it Alpha Grace? How can you just drop everything that's important to you and leave?" I ask.

" I had that decision long ago. I made my choice and though I regret leaving my family, starting my pack was the best thing I ever could have done. " she said.

I nod and look down. " You aren't leaving everything behind Amber. Tasha and Clayton are going with you and soon Connor will be there too. " she said.

I nod. " Thank you. " I say.

I have always been curious about something. " Aloha Grace, is you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I've always been kinda curious about it. " I say.

She laughs. " I'm 23. " she says.

" Really?" I say. I'm stunned by this. " How did you get a huge pack like that in such little time?" I ask.

" Easy, there were tons of rejected and abused wolves out there. All I had to do was spread the word. " she said.

" It's very impressive what you've accomplished. You are a highly respected Alpha. " I say.

" Thank you Amber. " she says. She's smiling.

We wait for a couple hours. It about three in the morning. We got here around one.

The doctor finally comes out of the room. Once the clock hits four. " Ok, the good news is that he will survive. " says the doctor.

We all sigh in relief. " What's the bad news?" Asks Alpha Grace.

" The bad news is due to the severity of his wrist and the fact that the silver spikes had gone all the way through. It snapped his wrist and caused some nerve damage. It's a wonder it didn't hit the artery. He will be able to use that hand again, but not to it's full extent. The silver caused some permanent nerve damage in the wrist. " says the doctor.

My mother is crying by this point. John won't be able to use his hand fully again. He is so not going to like that.

" As for the dagger. It was in the upper right quadrant of his chest. It was in his liver. It wasn't to deep, more like a big prick. We did surgery and removed the dagger and repaired everything we could. That will have to heal on its own time, but like I said. He's should recover just fine and he will live. " says the doctor.

" The burns weren't to bad on his face and neck though?" Asks my father.

" No, they were not bad. They should heal up the quickest. " says the pack doctor.

We nod in reply. " Thank you for all you have done. " says my father.

" Yes, you are welcome. Now though, I must go tend to the wound on our newest prisoner. " says the pack doctor.

We nod in reply and watch as he leaves with Alpha Conan. This sucks. We seriously can not catch a break.

One of the nurses let's us go back to see my brother. As we walk in we stop at the sight of him.

He's now in a hospital gown under a thin sheet. He looks pale and the burns on his face and neck stuck out.

His hand was propped up and was in a small cast made for his hand. My mother goes to his side and takes his good hand in hers.

She kisses his knuckles and runs a hand gently over his hair. He and mom have always had a good relationship together.

She's go insane if he were to die. I won't let that happen. " You know your going to do great at your job right?" Says my father.

I look at him. " Don't doubt yourself. Ever!! You are one of a kind Amber and you are a strong leader. They will be lucky to have you and I am proud to call you my daughter. " he says.

I smile at him. " I will find the others that did this to him and I will make them answer for their crimes. " says my father.

I nod. " I won't let my pack down father. I can promise you that, but I'm not leaving until John wakes up. " I say.

" That's alright with me. " says my father pulling me in for a hug.

This is what I needed. My family in one room. I just wish it was under different circumstances. This like this bring a family closer though and that's what this will do.

We will find the people that did this and they will answer for what they did. John will heal and we will get Connor back eventually.

Things will work out in the end. They always do.

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A/N. Hey guys. I know, three chapters in one day. Record number huh lol. Hope you enjoyed this one. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Until then though :-).

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