Chapter 64.

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Bète Rick's POV.

A pack dinner. This is so exciting, even John looks happy about this. We've been with him all day.

It's been hard for him since Amelia's funeral was today. He still hasn't spoken to us. I wish he would, but I know it takes people a while to recover from something like this.

I know I would be devastated if something were to happen to my mate. She's my world.

John is in his room getting ready for tonight. I'm with my mate in our room picking out what to wear.

She's so excited about this, trying on dress after dress to find the right one. I can't help the smile that comes to my face at her excitement.

Every dress looks pretty to me, but she's insistent on finding the right one. I grin as she walks in with a new dress on.

This one was a short sleeved pale green dress. It went down passed her knees and had a ribbon as a belt around her waist.

It was one of my favorite outfits for her to wear. She looks at herself in the full length mirror we have in our room.

" I think this is it Rick. I think I've found it. " she says.

She turns towards me. " I've always loved that dress. " I say.

She gives a small laugh. " I am picking out what you wear. " she declares.

I give a laugh this time. " I already figured that was the case. " I say.

All that I get in response is her beaming smile and with that she rushes back into our walk in closet to look for my outfit.

She is so perfect. I don't know how I got so lucky. I would be lost without her. As I see her run around all I can think of is when we first met.

Alpha Conan, Fenris and I were waiting for another pack to show up for a party we were having.

I was in charge of making sure everything went well. She was a friend of the Luna's. I made a complete fool of myself in front of her.

I had taken a tray of food from one of our helpers so he could go get cleaned up. A drink had been spilled on him.

I turned and ran straight into Fenris and he shoved me back to mess with me. I fell though and the tray fell on too of my head.

All the food ran down all over me and it was so gross. Soup and stew of course. I had been about to snap at Fenris when she stepped up and slapped him across the face.

She backed me up and defended me before turning and getting down by me. She smiled when we locked eyes and felt the pull.

From then the rest was history. That was also the first night I met Alpha George. He had just taken over as Alpha and he was going to need a new Bête soon. It just fit since I was a Bète.

" Oh I think I've found it. " cried my mate running back in.

I smile at the outfit she picked. It was the same suit I wore the day I met her. I nodded and went to her. " It's perfect. " I say.

Her grin was worth every word. I take the suit and go to put it on. Thankfully when I first had this suit, it was a bit bigger on me. Now it fits perfectly.

I change into the suit. When I walk out she just beams at me. I strike a stupid pose that has her laughing out loud. " How do I look?" I say.

She then walks up to me. " You look amazing honey. " she says as she leans forward to kiss me.

I duck my head down and kiss her. I then pick her up and spin her a little. It's been so long since I did this with her. Just had fun. I miss this.

I know I am not a teen anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun. She's so amazing and I want to give her the world.

After this mess is done with I'm going to find someone to take my place as Bète. Then I'm going to take my mate and I'm taking her to see the world.

She has always wanted to go to Paris. It's time I make that dream come true for her.

The two of us get on our shoes and start down the stairs to wait for John in the den.

However as we get downstairs, there he is already. John was dressed in some very nice blue jeans and a black polo shirt.

Simple, yet perfect for the dinner. My mate walks over and hugs him. John just buried his head on her shoulder and closes his eyes tightly.

I can tell he is struggling and I wish I could take his pain away, but I can't. If I could, I would have already. I hate that's he is going through this.

Fenris will pay for this. I'll make sure of it. He's killed Conan's mate and now my sons. He almost killed my daughter.

I won't just sit back and be quiet any longer. I know how he thinks and I'm going to help Alpha Kurt any way I can.

" You ready for dinner son?" I ask as he backs away from his mother.

He looks at me and nods. Still no words. I feel a pang of sadness at that, but I know things like this take time.

I simply put on a smile. " Good. Let's start making our way over there, see if we can help out any. " I say.

The two of them nod and together the three of us walk out the door and lock it behind us before making our way towards the pack house.

I just hope this dinner will be something much needed for John. Hopefully this will be what he needs. I know I need it.

We will get through this madness and I'll make sure they are safe. That's what I'm supposed to do as a father anyway. I'd do it no matter what.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Comment who's you want to see. I will update again soon. Until then :-).

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