Chapter 40.

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John's POV.

My chest aches. It doesn't hurt as much as it did before, but it still hurts.

I'm to be cleared to leave. My side is doing well and my wrist is doing a bit better.

The first place I'm going is to see Amelia. I'm going to talk this over with her. I just don't understand why she would do something like that.

It doesn't make sense to me. She's so beautiful and perfect. I just love her personality, but if she's done this, then was anything I know of her true?

Was she just acting the entire time? Is her name really even Amelia? It's like I don't know anything anymore.

I haven't spoken a word since I learned what happened. I wish I could help Connor. I know he's got to be in pain, going through awful torture from the Boss Rogue.

This is just crazy. So stupid and pointless.

The door opened then and I didn't even look up. " Hello John. How are you feeling today?" Asks my father.

I look up at him. ' Don't feel to good. ' I say over mind link.

He smiled sadly at me. " It will get better. " says my father.

' How?' I ask.

He doesn't reply. I lay back down. We don't speak until the doctor comes and checks over me one last time before finally releasing me from the infirmary.

I'm walking down the road now next to my father. I know he's trying to lead me home, but I'm not going home until I speak to her.

I turn and head towards the pack prison. He doesn't say a word. He knows exactly what I'm doing and just follows me.

As soon as I make it to the door he nods at me and stays at the door. " She's at level three. " he says.

I nod and walk through the door and down the steps. As soon as I arrive at level three I'm shaking.

I've passed so many guards and I know the ones down here are guarding her cell.

They see me and don't say a word. " Amelia. " I say.

I hear a small gasp and seconds later she's at the door to her cell. Her eyes are tear filled and she's staring at me like she doesn't believe I'm really here.

" John. " she says.

I don't reply. I just stare at her and have to fight to keep tears from leaving my eyes.

She then knows I know exactly why she's there. She hangs her head. " Is it true?" I ask in a small voice.

She nods. " Yes. Yes it's true. " she says.

My heart sinks and the pain worsens. " You're still working for the Boss Rogue!" I say. It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

" Not anymore. I was telling him I'm done with it when Alpha Grace followed me and found out. " she said.

My eyes widened in anger. " HE WAS HERE ON THE PACK GROUNDS!!" I yell. She flinches.

" Oh gosh no!! " I cry.

I turn around and grabbed my head with my hands. This can't be happening!!

" He's was on the grounds. We could have ended this right then and there and you let him get away!!" I snarl harshly.

She flinches again. I flip around to her. The pain is worse and I'm so upset. " You allowed that awful man into this pack and helped him in kidnapping my brother!" I snap.

She looks up at me. " You helped him in killing my Alpha!! "

" I didn't know he was going to kill him." She says.

" Yet you know he was going to kidnap my brother. " I snarl at her, pointing an accusing finger at her.

" You knew very well what was going to happen. You knew he was going to torture Connor. Yet you were to cold hearted to tell anyone!!" I Snarled.

Her eyes were wide. " I'm so sorry John. " she cried.

" Sorry isn't going to fix this Amelia. It will never fix this and you know that!" I snap.

The pain is so bad, but I'm to furious to realize just how bad it is. " You helped him kidnap my sister and even after you met me you helped him kidnap my brother. You brought those humans here to kill more of my pack. How could you do that to me?!" I snarl.

" I didn't know you would get hurt!" She cries in her own defense.

" You knew a pack member was going to get hurt though. Did you ever think what would happen if the one they killed was a child?" I snap.

She flinches. " N-No I didn't think I... "

I interrupt her. " That's right. You didn't think. You never think about the consequences because you've never had to deal with them being a dang rogue!! " I snarl.

She flinches harder then she ever had before. " I'm sorry. " she tries again.

All that does is anger me more. I turn around and start pacing. She doesn't say anything, but I can hear her crying softly.

This is so much worse then anything that could have ever happened. She had helped this. With everything.

My sister is going the one of the worst things anyone could ever go through and it's the Boss Rogues fault and she helped with it.

I can't have her as my mate if everything is a lie.

" Is everything I know about you a lie?" I ask looking at her. She just looked up at me.

" How can I trust you?" I say.

" You can't. " she says.

That somehow hurts more, but that makes up my mind. I have no other choice.

" So what do we do now?" She asks.

I walk up and look her in the eyes. " I have no choice. I can't trust you as my mate and I can't trust you as a person. " I say.

Her look sinks. " Amelia Sparks. I hereby reject you as my mate. " I say.

Just like that the pain fades to a really dull ache and she starts to sob.

I don't say another word. I turn around and walk away up the steps. Away from my mate and away from what I thought was going to by my life.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed his chapter. Not sure who's POV will be next. Until then :-).

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