Psychotic - HSTD

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The abbreviation stands for High School of The Dead, for anyone who doesn't know.

Michael's pov-
I lean back on the wall, tapping away at my phone quickly. "Hey Michael." I hum lightly. Brandon keeps his hands in his pockets, looking down at me. "Have another date today?" He prompts. I glance up at him. "Thought you had a game." I prompt. He shrugs. "Weather dependent." He dismisses. I blink. "No, I don't have a date. Chrissy just broke up with me and I'm still in that grey space." I shrug. Brandon nods. "I'll meet up with you after the game then?" I prompt. He nods. We both look over as the two loud idiots make their way down the hall. David and Ritchie. Sorta jocks, and so incredibly annoying. I'm popular in my own way but not like them. Thankfully. I look back at Brandon. "Are you sure?" I question. He sighs. "They'll just draw attention." He mutters. I sigh, and nod. "You know who is being incredibly annoying?" Brandon prompts. I blink. "Go on." I offer. He glances over his shoulder slightly. "Boat." He mutters. I chuckle. "Oh come on Brandon. The dude likes me. He'll do whatever I ask." I point out. He rolls his eyes, glaring at the wall over my shoulder. "His crush may annoy you, but we can still use that." I remind. Brandon sighs. "Yeah, yeah." He mutters. "Your tie is crooked." I point out, reaching up to fix his tie quickly. "The tie is so suffocating." He complains. I nod. "Yeah they want to cut off blood flow to your head." I deadpan. He shakes his head, smirking.

I look out at the curtain of rain. Guess Brandon had a point about the weather. "Waiting for your mom to pick you up kiddo?" David calls, laughing. I hum lowly. "Waiting for your mother, actually." I call back. Ritchie snickers, nudging him sharply. "My mother is a lovely woman, how dare you?" David huffs. "That's why I'm waiting for her." I grin sharply. He glares. "I leave you alone for ten minutes and you're picking a fight." I turn as Brandon makes himself known behind me. "What took you so long?" I prompt. Brandon sighs. "Coach was bitching." He mutters. I nod. "Oh yeah, you play baseball right?" Ritchie prompts. Brandon nods. Ritchie chuckles. "Sucks the game got cancelled. That could've been fun." He offers. Brandon gives him a blank look. "Are you really talking baseball right now?" David questions. Ritchie shrugs. "He's chill man. It's the shorty who's a dick." He deadpans. I shrug. I won't argue that. "Michael, we probably should get going." Brandon comments. I blink, and check my watch. "We're technically not in a specific time frame." I offer. He nods. "Yeah but I don't want to be here." He deadpans. I shrug, and take out my umbrella. "See you later fuckers." I flip off the other two and walk off. Brandon's quick to follow. "You can't piss off everyone you meet." Brandon points out. I grin. "Says who?" I prompt. He sighs.

I use the edge of the rooftop as a backrest as I look down at my notebook. Homework is such a waste of time. Unfortunately all of my self validation is invested in my grades. "You two aren't supposed to be up here." I glance up. "You are also up here." I point out. David huffs. "Are you also here to watch the clouds?" Brandon drawls. They turn to him. Brandon grins lazily, lifting a hand towards the sky. "What's his problem?" Ritchie questions, wanding over. "Uh, he is high out of his mind." I offer. Brandon giggles softly. I reach over to sit a water bottle in his out-stretched hand. "Thank you Mitchie." He cooes. I shake my head. "School jock is also a druggie. Noted." David mutters. I huff. "He does weed sometimes recreationally. Don't be a bitch. You're already an idiot." I deadpan. He glares at me. "Whatever nerd." He snaps. I huff. "Seriously though, you're in our hangout spot." Ritchie deadpans. I blink slowly. "I really don't care." I offer. "Brandon wanted to watch the clouds." I gesture at him vaguely. Brandon pouts. "They're not spinning anymore. Michael what did you do with my weed?" He whines. "Cut you off. Drink your water." I insist. He groans, but does as told. "Now this, is some prime blackmail material." Ritchie lifts his phone. I roll my eyes. "Have fun." I offer drily. He falters. "Are you actually doing homework? Who does homework?" David questions. "People who want to graduate. Especially ones who can't pay for any extra years." I offer drily. He glares at me. "Michael, stop being mean to people. They don't understand your love language." Brandon complains. I hum lowly. "You are literally still high, chill out." I deadpan. Brandon snickers, holding the water bottle to his chest protectively. I'm surrounded by idiots.

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