Mind Apprentices

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User: AllieCat8

Name: Dakota Bennett

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: 5'6", blue eyes, long blonde curls. (Sasha Pieterse)

Background: Dakota grew up in a rich and luxurious life. She was pretty and popular, but also had to grow up with two absentee parents a younger sister who suffered from depression.


User: Rdmwrites

Name: Ripley Korina Alician

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Has blond hair, and brown eyes. Is on the smaller side, and usually wears eyeliner. (Jordyn Jones)

Background: Ripley grew up in a but of a dysfunctional household. Her mother, Diane, went insane, after her older brother died at a young age. Ripley spent most of her time alone, where she learned she wasn't like most kids. Her mother still believes her son is alive, and has hallucinations, which left Ripley alone to try out her strange abilities. Her father was much to busy trying to help her mother, than she was completely forgotten.


User: I_like_chocolate1

Name: Hazel de Nile

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Caramel wavy hair, stormy blue eyes, fair skin (Stephanie Bennett)

Background: She was trained all her life to be in the Keeper Exams, although she wants to become an actress not a Keeper but her parents are strict and forbid the art of "pretending on the moving box"

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