Mind - Task Two

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User: Rdmwrites

Name: Ripley Korina Alician

 The room was silent, save for the rhythmic tapping of my fingers against the stainless steel desk. Rubber edges, of course, so we couldn't hurt ourselves on it. They really thought of everything here.

It's been two days since I've arrived. I haven't eaten anything, not have I left my room. I suppose the others are out training, or something. I couldn't bring myself to join them. Morbid thoughts flooded my head, thinking about everything the girl- Kate?- had said. About the games. About my power.

There were two others here could do the same thing I could. Dakota and Hazel de something or other. I don't remember all the names. All the other kids could do other things, like control the elements, or turn into animals. I don't remember all the powers, there were too many to remember.

After another couple minutes of staring at the blank walls, I decided I ought to try training. After all, if I was stuck here, i might as well try and win this thing. I pushed the chair away from my desk, walking over to the steel door. It was unlocked, although I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. They wanted us to train.

The hall was made of blank, crumbling concrete. A loud slam alerted me the floor was closed, but I whirled around all the same. My breath was taken away by my image. My stomach was tiny- every rib visible under my thin shirt. I was wearing a blue top, thin to my tiny frame, with an open back, a small piece twisted at the top of my shoulder blades. I wore simple black leggings, like always, and still kept the rain boots, even though I had been given ruined converse.

My shoes made a satisfied thunk as I thundered down the hall. I had no idea where to go, but luckily I didn't have to think so hard, for before I had time to even wonder where I was going, I was stopped in front of a pair of heavy metal doors. I pushed them open, slightly surprised that it was a simple, bland gymnasium. In the middle was a small ring, with some other kids walking around it. Two girls stepped off the ring, glancing at the room for a second before smiling at each other, and saying something u couldn't hear. One walked off toward something else, while the other sat at the edge of the ring. I decided to ask about fighting. Maybe she could help me out a little.

" Uh, hey-" I started, the girl glancing up suddenly. " I'm Ripley. I was wondering if you wanted to- uh-" I wasn't sure what to say. Fight? Train?

" Oh! I'm Alice. Do you want to fight? I can show you how it works!" She chirped, leaping to her feet.

" How what works?" I asked, following her onto the ring.

" The simulation! Where do you want to fight?"

" Uh, I don't know." I glanced around the room, still unsure what she meant.

" We should use something that's good for your gift! I have mortality, meaning I can raise the dead, and heal and such."

" Oh. I have mind powers, or something. I can alter, erase, and add false memories." I replied, unsure where that would come in useful.

" What if we do something like-" she paused, thinking for a moment. " Ehat about a ruined city?"

" That would be cool," I agreed, and suddenly, the bland gym disappeared. I looked around, taken off guard by the sudden change of scenery. Alice walked back over to me a moment later, a big grin on her face, as she looked around at the scene. The sky was a cloudy gray, and all around us were crumbling concrete and torn up streets. The buildings were falling apart, and a loud thunk startled us both, as we whipped around to see what it was. A building had collapsed, concrete making deep dents in the street.

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