Chapter Ten - Turn on the Damn Lights!

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Roman Grey

I woke up on the cold hard ground. At first, I didn't even know I was awake. Everything around me was dark, so dark I couldn't see a few feet in front of me.

I stood up on my shaky feet as a breeze blew across what seemed to be a plain field. I couldn't be sure, but as I walked cautiously across the ground, there were no rises or turns. There was barely any rocks beneath my feet.

Suddenly, something slammed into my side, sending me crashing into the ground, and skidding across the grass. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and heard something crack.

I cried out in pain as I turned into my back and sat up. I couldn't see anything, I didn't know what had attacked me. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn't use my powers to try to get into their mind.

Then, like a whisper in a nightmare, I heard someone's thoughts, 'Kill him before he kills me.'

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek, and I collapsed onto the floor again. Gritting my teeth, I jumped to my feet and ran a few steps away, trying to focus on listening.

I cradled my arm and closed my eyes, even though it was already pitch black.

'You can't run from me.'

My eyes flew open, and I screamed at the top of my lungs as I flung my good arm out. My fist connected with someone's stomach and I hear a grunt as the person fell back.

I knelt down and felt around for the person's throat, then pressed down with my arm.

The person under me flailed and punched at me, but I bit my lip and endured it. I felt the strength seep away from them and eventually, they fell still.

I backed away from the body, still blind, and breathed. I sucked in huge gulps of air, but it never seemed like enough.

"Just turn on the damn lights already!" I screamed into the darkness.

Suddenly, like someone had turned a switch, a bright light exploded in the darkness. I was blinded again but the seemingly impossible glow.

I crumpled to my knees and squinted through the whiteness all around me. I heard footsteps, getting louder, closer.

I tried to open my eyes, but it just burned. Someone hit the back of my head hard enough to send me falling face first into the dirt.

This time, I didn't hesitate. I rolled onto my back again and jumped up, but the other person was closer than I thought and she knocked my feet out from under me.

Luckily, she was close enough that I could grab her legs and bring her down with me. My eyes seemed to slowly be adjusting. I could now see the outline of her body.

She punched my bad arm and I screamed, kicking her away. She barley budged. She hit me again and again.

With the last of my strength, I reached out and bit her arm. I bit down as hard as I could, and with that distraction, I jumped. Into her mind.

I saw my body lying on the floor, I saw the first person I had killed a few feet away. Now that I had control of her, I placed her hands around her head, and with one, quick motion, I snapped her neck.

I transferred myself back to my body quick enough to see her lifeless one fall to the floor.

Two dead.

I had won.

I fell back onto the floor, breathing heavily. Staring into the empty white sky.

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