Mind - Task One

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User: AllieCat8

Name: Dakota Bennett

Three girls sat outside, listening to music and tanning in the sun.
“Ohmygosh Kota, Dylan totally has a crush on you.”
 Dakota Bennett laughed, shaking her long blonde hair and pulling it into a ponytail. “Shut up Sarah. He does not.”
“Yes he does! Like every boy in our school is head over heels in love with you.”
 Dakota smiled and leaned back into her lounge chair. She didn't deny it. She knew they all liked her, and she worked hard to make it so. She was a queen at Ellepath High and that was never going to change.
But then her phone rang.
 As always, she grabbed it before it had the chance to ring a second time.
“Hey Dakota.”
“Faith? I thought you were at that ballet with mom.”
“I'm tired, Kota. I'm just so tired.”
“What? Faith, what's going on?”
“Look up.”
 And she did. Dakota's blue eyes went straight up, staring at the roof of their four story mansion. And, standing at the very edge, was a tiny figure with long dark hair hiding her face. But Dakota recognized her baby sister immediately.
“Come on up. I'll be waiting.”
 Seconds later Faith's phone crashed at Dakota's feet and all of her friends screamed. Dakota didn't take the time to scream- she was already running into her house and up the stairs. She ran into her room and climbed out of the window.  Soon enough she was standing behind Faith.
 Faith wasn't like Dakota. She wore baggy clothes and she sat in the back of her class. She never talked. She never made a sound. She didn't crave attention like Dakota. She was different and people took notice of that.
 “Come here Kody. Come stand next to me.”
 Dakota moved slowly, not making a sound. You could say what you wanted about Dakota Bennett, but she loved her family.
“Faith? What are you doing?”
 “I'm going to jump.”
 “Oh Faith...please just take a few steps back. Everything will be okay. Just take a few steps back.”
 “No Dakota. Nothing will be okay. Not anymore. Come hold my hand.”
 Dakota did as she was told and slowly made her way towards her sister. She grabbed her tiny, pale hand and held on tightly. “Let's just go Faith.” She could see her friends looking up at them with wide, scared eyes. But she ignored them, focusing on Faith.
 “No!” her hand tightened around Dakota's until it hurt, “No! We're gonna do this together.”
 “What? Faith I don't understand.”
 “I don't want to go without you. So we're going to jump. Together.”
Dakota tried to pull back but, despite being so small, Faith was much stronger. Her other arm wrapped around Dakota's body and held on tight. “On the count of three.”
“Stop it Faith!”
“Thr- what's happening? Dakota! Kota I can't see! I can't see anything!”
 Dakota let out the breath of air she had been holding. She didn't know what she had done. She didn't know what was going on. All she knew was her sister just tried to commit a suicide murder and someone Dakota had stopped her.
 Faith's grip on Dakota loosened and Dakota took a step back. She wrapped her arms around her sister's waist and pulled her off of the roof. She sat her down on her bed and locked her window. She looked at her sister and darted down the stairs. Running right into someone.
 She looked up and her eyes met those of a boy's. Well, she couldn't really say boy. He had to be at least nineteen. She took a step back, preparing to run past him. Or scream and catch her friend's attention. But he stopped her.
 “Wait! I'm Thomas I-I know what you can do. I know what you just did to your sister. I can help you. Just wait.”


User: Rdmwrites

Name: Ripley Korina Alician

"Ripley, I'm taking your mother to the doctor, don't burn down the house while I'm out!" What did he think me to be, stupid? I spend most my life at home alone, and our house hasn't once burned down. I suppose it's just an expression though. Not to be taken literally.

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