Chapter Twenty-Eight - A Risk of Survival

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User: THGF1234

Name: Samuel de Sapphiron

Only two in our alliance remained, Luke and myself.Nine remained. I couldn't believe how many had died in the second stage. The third stage was here. Serena and Hannah was dead. Zander left me alive. I thank him for that but the friendship between us will break-soon. There is no limits of alliance anymore except for me and Luke. If we make it to the end.

I groan as a welt of pain prickles me as I move my head. Hybrids are putting Bluemist on my pain. Soon the Keeper comes into the room. She says that we will be separated into three islands. I am with Roman and Zander on the Feral Forest. Crysalis, Sabrina and Loira on the Deadly Desert. Finally, my ally, Luke are in the third island, the Wicked Wasteland with Maris and Ripley.She wishes us good luck.

Soon we are better and I have made a plan. I walk with a Guarde to the sections of the third stage. Soon we are all on a platform surrounded by water with nothing on the horizon. I lean down,my hand reaching out toward the water. When my fingers touch it, I wince in pain.

Acid. The water was acidic. I looked at some of the others. I see Zander and I walk softly behind him. I touch his arm for a second before pulling it away. He didn't notice that I had stolen his power. Now I had his power surging in my veins. I ran toward the edge and let my force field burst and I swim across the acidic water.

Soon I see a strip of sand which evolves into a island with trees and hills on it. As soon I reach the edge of the shore, I release, letting the acid burn through my shoes as I walked out. I take off the burnt shoes and threw them into the acid, letting them burn away. Besides, who cares. I can do just fine without them, anyway.

I sink my toes into the warm sand and took a deep breath before heading into the forest. I soon find a bush with sweet blueberries and I pluck a handful of the bush. After a while of exploring, I see a tiger. The mother tiger was taking care of her babies. Then she sees me and snarls at me, warning me to stay away. One crawled over to me and rubbed its head against my leg. I leaned down and patted it on the head.

Suddenly I hear a roar slowly, and steadily coming closer. The mother tiger rises up and looks around with fear illuminating her dark eyes. I run over to the tiger with the baby that I just had by me in my head. She looks at me with trust.I pick up all of the baby tigers, now wailing with fear. The mother tiger climbs a tree and so I followed her with the baby tigers on my shoulders, holding on.

I get up close to the top and I see what it was. A tsunami. I go slightly faster but not fast so the tigers wouldn't fall. I soon get to the top and where I was seconds ago, the wave engulfed the area.I hung onto the treetop as the wave crashed into the trees. I risked my life to save a family of tigers but I survived. When the wave was gone I climbed back down with the tigers. I followed them to a small cave that was apparently their home.

They had some meat and organic food. I had some food, said goodbye to them and went on with my exploring. I encountered a beast but I managed to kill it and escape- with a few scratches and cuts. I found some moss and vines. I wrapped my cuts on my arms with moss and tied it together with vines. I found a small cave and slept in it for a little bit before continuing. It wasn't a bad day but it wasn't perfect either. But I'm still alive.

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