Wraith - Task Two

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User: THGF1234

Name: Edwin Silverne

I walked, smiling from the wraith practice room to the sparring room. I saw a girl and she saw me. "Hey I'm Millicent." she said, smiling. "Hello, I'm Edwin. Want to spar?" I asked her. She agreed.

"By the way," I said, "I'm Wraith." She shivered slightly and then I broke in. She shrieked and fell to her knees. I knew I struck in. After about two minutes, she lifted her hand and twisted. I slipped and fell in pain. But I still had control. Then her hand was a fist and I groaned in pain. I released the vision and she released. I got up shakily and pulled Millicent up.

"You're good." I said.
"But you're better." she said.
"Practice makes perfect."
I smiled and nodded.


User: HungerGamesWolf

Name: Luke


User: alixsmile

Name: Leandra

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