Celebration Banquet - Kate

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The Exams were complete and I could feel the magick slipping through my fingers. Tendrils of red dance around the medallion, tempting me with it's unwavering power that would soon be my undoing. A quiet knock sounds on the door of my bare, white office that was awaiting the presence of the new Keeper. Thomas pokes his head through, dressed in a brilliant red tux.

"Ready?" I glance up at his voice.

"To die? Not really." I snark, running my hands over my face. Thomas sighs and steps into the room.

"It's our time." He states simply, a resigned look in his gaze. I roll my eyes and stand to my feet, glancing sharply at the silver and red dress still hanging in the corner of the room.

"I'm not giving the power up." I snap, finally voicing the decision I'd been coming to after my meeting with Maris. Thomas's jaw falls open just slightly.


"I can't. I can't give her control. I can't let her commit genocide." I snap, anger swirling through my voice. Thomas clenches his jaw and looks down, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I don't think she will." He mutters, peaking up through his bangs. I shake my head, mentally glaring into Maris's fiery eyes.

"She will."

"No, she won't. She'll try but the magick won't let her. Remember? You tried to destroy the Exams and the medallion locked you in a coma until you gave up the idea." I nod, remembering the nightmare as if it were yesterday.

"Besides," Thomas continues, "she's in love with Roman and if she destroys the medallion, she destroys him. And Andreanna. She wouldn't do that. She couldn't do that." He reasons, clearly believing every word. But I wasn't so sure.

"Yeah, but -"

"No, her conscience is tormented by the things she's done. If she tries to commit genocide..." Thomas runs off, allowing the silence to fill the room.

"Hopefully you're right. But still, I can't take the chance. The Hybrids depend on us to protect them, we are their government and she -" I cut off, clenching my fists in anger. She could destroy it all.

"You have no choice."

"She'll ruin the Hybrids! Destroy the Exams!" I shriek, fear gripping me. Thomas shakes his head.

"No, she won't. She's the Keeper, subject to the Keeper magick. It's will is her will, no room for disobedience." Thomas huffs and jerks his chin at the dress.

"Slip the dress on Kate. Standing around in your tank top and leggings is going to make us late." He walks over to the long simple gown and slips it off the hanger, pulling the zipper down and allowing me to step into it. The dress slides over my body easily, forming to every curve and dip. Thomas zips the back and runs his hands down my arms, pressing his forehead into the back of my head.

"It's going to be fine. Maris isn't an idiot, it's why the magick chose her. She's smart, reasonable, and capable. She won't destroy us. And if she tries, the magick will stop her. And a new Exams will begin to replace her." I nod, breathing out shakily.

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