Chapter Three - One Ally Down

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Steve Bennett

I stand up, knowing who I was and my Gift.
My name is Steve Bennett. I have a Gift. The Gift is Dream. I am afraid and feel a need to live and stop anyone in my way.
I walk through the realm I am in. A open plain with mountains on one side and a lake on the other side. I walk toward the lake and touch the warm water flowing throughout the lake. Then someone kicks me from behind. I fall into the lake. I swallow a large amount of water before closing my mouth. The person jumps in and tries to hold me down. I gurgle slightly and shut my eyes. I imagine the person with a large wound in her arm. Surely she soon screams. I manage to get off and up to the surface. I see the person and kick her in the water, she mumbles and falls limp. Her blood stains the water and her body eventually rises out of the water. Her red hair is crimson red in the water. Her eyes look up toward the gleaming sun, death had taken her.
I cough out the blood-stained water and spit out the blood that had stained my lips. Then she leapt out and kicked me in the jaw. I groan in pain and go flying. I get up and punch her. I imagine her with- My thinking is distracted and I imagine the second part all completely wrong, -a hole in her chest. She screams with a high pitched scream and collapses. I look and see a hole in her chest, dripping with blood. I throw up, and backtracking away, I ran. I remember something else. My alliance. I collapse, crying. In my desperation to survive, I had killed one of our allies.

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