Emotion - Task Two

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User: x_Karen_x

Name: Emerald

Emerald had listened to Kate's every word about not being able to escape because of her trying to escape the first day she arrived here. But now, she is focused only on her training to win. Nothing can explained why she suddenly was so interested in training rather than escaping.
She met a friend on the second day and her name is Serena and she is an elementalist, they hit if off so quick and now they are allies. She is meeting her later after her private training in the emotion training room.
Emerald takes a deep breath and walks in the room. She walks over to the personal trainer.
He stands up and smiled at Emerald. " I'm Troy, your trainer for your training that you will be doing here.
Emerald gives him a curt nod. " Im ready. "
He nodded at her as he gets on the stimulation computer and presses out a computerized man with serious depression and sadness in him.
Emerald watched the figure carefully as Troy urge her to begin.She walks over to the figure and places her hand on his head, and the moment her hand touches his head, depressing and overwhelming sadness was push to her. She yelped as she always failed at interacting with sadness or any kind of pain related emotions. She pulled her hand away as she pants slightly, sweats rolled down her cheek. She decided to give it a go and she also decided to take away the sadness and depressing feelings away from him so he can be happy. Once again, she place her hand on his forehead. The painful feeling was transferred to her. She yelped once again but she keep her hand there firmly. She takes in the painful feeling as she transferred happy feelings to the man. The computerized man smile and disappeared, the room shows a bright green light, indicating she passed the training.
" Good job, Emerald. " Troy smiled brightly.
Emerald frowned because she's not satisfied with her results, " I want ten more victims with pain feelings in them " She demanded. Troy gives her a nod and started sending out  those victims.She challenged herself by asking Troy to bring in more figures with painful feelings. Out of ten, she passed seven. She was still not satisfied. She then keep on until she manages to make all ten of them happy.
" Wow, Emerald, that was impressive, but you need rest " He looks at Emerald with concern.
Emerald nodded.
She was exhausted the moment she step out of the room, her powers was seriously drained.
She walks over to her room and gets abit of sleep until her powers are 'charged' full. She realized she sleeps for 6 hours as she gasped before rushing to find Serena.
She walks up to her. " Hey, I'm sorry, i was 'charging' my life battery " She smiled apologetically.
" It's okay, Let's train now. You up for it? " She asked, smirking.
Emerald grinned. " Hell yeah "
They walks over to the sparring ring. Emerald walks up to her and stands infront of her.
" Give me some burns and I'll give you emotional pains. " Emerald said, smiling.
Serena grinned and throw a fireball at Emerald's arm. Emerald was in deep burn pain as she touches Serena with her unwounded arm, she searches for Serena's most painful memoriee and inflicted that pain in her.
Serena was near to tears but she still hold her fire there on Emerald's arm.
They stayed like that for fifteen minutes before they both gives up and falls on the ground. " Let's take it as both of us was draw. Okay? " Emerald asked and Serena nodded.
" I think I'm going to train more on my fire " With that Serena smile and left. Emerald smiled at the air and walks to her room, using her first aid kit to heal her burnt wound on her arm.


User: ChaosC

Name: Andreana

I slipped back into shadows silently. Well... it seems this Thomas is smarter than he looks, that could be bad. It also seems like I'll be facing superpowers far more deadly than my own, and... It's almost... SCARY.

I pushed away my fear with my powers, no, I cannot afford to slip here of all places. Emotions are deadly, I of all people should know. I just have to hold this out, stay brave, stay calm... stay heartless. I feel the deadly calm come over me again, the one that secured me, the one that could let me do anything. All emotions are shut out of me, now my logic rules once more.

I need to scope out the competition,  to find out what I'm up against.

Hybrids are supposed to be superior to humans, he said. Well, I always knew I was given an advantage in life with these powers (even though I was unfortunate in every other sense of the word, so I suppose "given an advantage" is more like it) but here... these people could kill me with their MINDS, no, with their very DESIRE to do so, while I still need a weapon to do that. I am hopelessly, hilariously outgunned. I am not the superior hybrid, and I know that, and seeing how the exam is used to find the ultimate hybrid, I'm almost convinced that I am destined to die.

However, powers or no, I'm smart, and I know that.

I can't help but wear a small, snide smile as I put my hair up in a ponytail and saunter off to search for the others. I may die in this exam, but I'm sure as hell am not going down without a fight. Now, let's see what my opponents have up their sleeves.


User: AddictsAnonymous

Name: Gwendolynn Latimer

I wasn't training. If I did they'd think I was giving in to them, to being their daughter. And I wasn't because that wasn't who I was. I shared their last name and their DNA, but I was not Thomas and Kate's daughter. Because, unlike Kalina and Nathan, I hated them for leaving me to fend for myself in the foster system and later with my sister.

I hated them because when I was seven I almost died and that unlocked my Gift. But I hated them most because they were Hybrids and they made me one, I could never be human or normal. I would be always tainted by them.

So, as my final act of rebellion I wasn't going to train and I wasn't going to make any allies or prove to myself how powerful I was. I knew I was powerful. I didn't need to prove it, I just needed to get back to Connor. But, of course, there was no escape. No way in and no way out except teleportation and that was permitted in any corner of the underground facility except one spot and none of us apprentices knew where that one spot was. Of course.

So I just sat here, in my room with my feet dangling from the bed and when my trainer, Ariel, stopped by I simply forced her to leave me alone by slamming her fingers in the door. And when Thomas stopped by to scold me I ripped him a new one about acting like my dad when I was twenty-two and no longer needed him. And when Kate stopped by I just couldn't take it anymore and I punched her in the nose. I was making a lot of enemies, not a lot of friends. And I was okay with that.

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