Survival - Task Two

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User: pebbleintherocks

Name: Apollo Rose

Today was my first day of training, first day even being in this place. I am still in utter shock. One minute I am living a normal life, and the next minute my world collapse. Apparently, I have “powers”.

As I am standing around in the training room I see everyone practicing with bows and arrows. I look around and see a couple of extra bows on a table in the corner. There were no arrows around. I grab a bow and walk around awkwardly. I felt my foot hit something, I looked down and there was an arrow laying on the ground. I pick it up and walk over to an empty area. I lift up the bow and place the arrow on the bow, not knowing what I’m doing but copying others around me.

“Hey! Give me my arrow back!”

 I turn and see a girl about my age walking towards me.

Okay seriously, I do not feel like dealing with anyone here. I just want to go home. I especially do want anyone bossing me around!

“Does it have your name on it?” I ask her, kind of in a brat-ish way.

She is standing right in front of me by now. She looks at me and says “No, but it is one of the few things I was allowed to bring from home, so give it back to me before I shoot you!”

This girl has to be kidding me. She could at least be nicer. And how in the world is she suppose to shoot me if she has nothing. I tell her that and she gets really upset. She evens dares me to spar with her. I don’t know what has gotten into me but I agree.

We walk towards the center of the room, and pass some girl named Alice that she knows.

“So…” I say not knowing what to do, I am normally not ever in this situation.

She says “Let’s get started.” Before trying to punch me, luckily I have quick reflexes and grabs her hand before it does any damage. Knowing I can’t just stand here and do nothing, or else I will get hurt I punch back at her. She stumbles back and I take that as an advantage to keep going.

Next thing I know is I am looking at some huge animal snarling at me. Oh, gosh! What did I get myself into? I just got here and I don’t want to die yet. Actually, why are these things able to be anywhere near humans-oh wait, I forgot, I’m not human. I really just what this to be over, and not end badly.

I pull out the arrow and hold it towards her. “How about we call a truce?” My voice shaking with each word. I have no idea what she will say...or do. She stares at me awhile before nodding. Then she changed back into a human form just as fast as she changed into that...animal.


User: HungerGamesWolf

Name: Jace


User: Me-wowzer

Name: Diana Loch

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