Electric - Task Two

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User: THGF1234

Name: Cole Characin

 Cole glared at them with his stormy grey eyes. Sam stared at them, his silver-green eyes sparkling with mischief. Miles glanced at them, his chocolate brown eyes changing into a coffee brown as it got darker. The surrounding land formed into a cave. Miles craned his newly morphed bat eyes and could hear struggling and zapping of electricity. Claws bared itself out and he ran in.
Cole summoned a bolt of lightning and threw it into Sam, burning a hole in his jacket and shirt beneath. Miles hissed and jumped on Cole, blinding him with shock. Cole picked up power and zapped Miles in the waist. Sam made a shoving force with his hand, making Cole flip and smash his jaw on the hard concrete. Sam tapped Miles with one hand and Cole with the other. He shocked Miles again with almost near death power. He got some claws and scratched up Cole.
The boys on the ground was dazed and shocked. Samuel laughed and walked out the door whistling happily to himself, leaving the others behind.


User: District_Tribute

Name: Casey Calvert

I couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. I didn't even get to tell him goodbye before I left. He'd just kissed me, but I said nothing. Absolutely nothing. I should've at least said SOMETHING to him... He deserved to know if I had feelings for him too.

But... I was still trying to figure that out for myself.

I sighed, and looked around my room. There wasn't much in there, but it was the place I'd be calling home for a while. There was no escaping this place... No escaping what the Exams had to bring. None of us could even use our Gifts in there. It was like they were just... Cut off.

There was no point in just staying in my room all day. No matter what, my life was never going to go back to being semi-normal. For now on... It was just going to be completely abnormal.

I walked out of my room, and down the halls of the base. I made my way towards the training grounds-- the only places where I could use my abilities-- I passed other competitors, but avoided eye-contact. 'Soon... I will be competing against these people who are just like me...' I sighed, thinking about it.

At times, I often wondered why I just HAD to have a Gift. Why couldn't I just be a normal human? Why did I have to be born a Hybrid? Unfortunately, none of these questions were answered. This was my life now, and I was just going to have to deal with it.

I passed the different training grounds. All of them for the different Gifts... Except for one. The last one was for different competitors who wanted to spar with each other.

I hadn't met any of the other competitors who had the same Gift as me yet, but I saw them as I passed by the Electric Gift users training grounds.

But I headed for the last training ground. I was going to see how well I could spar with one of the others.

I wasn't very tall, and I wasn't as strong as I would've liked to be, but my abilities were powerful. I'd been learning to use them since I was thirteen, and I had already gotten pretty good with them.

I walked in, immediately seeing several other people sparring with each other, using their abilities to their advantage.

Scanning the room, I realized just how difficult these Exams were going to be.

I took a deep breath, and walked deeper into the room. I couldn't help but stare at all the other competitors as they fought each other.

That's when I bumped into someone.

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