Wildlife - Task Three

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User: Fantasyfan456

Name: Hannah

I sighed. Today was an interview with the Keeper Kate. I had an idea that would let me talk, but it wouldn't be me talking. Wally gave me the idea. I didn't wear anything fancy. Just my usual grey converse, sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a grey sweatshirt. I put my hair in its usual ponytail and left my room. Macy followed me, happy to get out of the room.

I walked to her office and saw another apprentice leave. I knocked on her door.

"Come in."

I turned the doorknob and walked into her office. She gave me a bright smile. I rolled my eyes. Of course she would be smiling. It's all about being positive! (Please note the sarcasm)

I sat down in the chair in front of her. Macy laid at my feet.
"So I have some questions for you."

I rolled my eyes again. No shiz Sherlock. I sighed wanting to be anywhere but here. Kate looked at me. She was probably expecting me to answer. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.

She cleared her throat. "Right, Wally to.d me you don't talk to people." She smiled again. "So, how do you feel about being an apprentice in the Keeper Exams?"

I took out my phone and typed in my answer. "Like a piece of crap." Said my phone. The voice was monotone and robotic.

Kate raised her eyebrows. "Would you like to elaborate?"

I typed in my answer. "Ha, no."

Kate sighed. "Okay, onto the next question. Do you think you have what it takes to be the keeper?"

"No." Secretly I was enjoying this. I was pissing her off. And I love pissing people off sometimes. This just happened to be one of those times.

"What is your greatest strength and weakness?"

"Macy is both." The robotic voice said.

"Macy?" Kate looked at me with a shocked expression. Probably because I didn't say yes or no.

"My dog. And that's all I'm saying."

"Next question, How far are you willing to become keeper?"

"Who said I wanted to become keeper? I don't want to do this. I came willingly because  I would've been forced to come any way."

Kate looked at me. Her eyes were full of empathy. She looked away and continued. "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your abilities when controlling your gift?"

"Probably a seven or eight. I still have more to learn." I sighed, and tucked my feet into my chair. I was so bored. Macy looked up at me and jumped into my lap. She put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

"This next question is important and I would like you elaborate more on it." I moaned mentally. I already opened up to her about a lot. What more could she possibly want?

"Do you feel cheated for not getting to train as a child?"

I snorted. I typed my answer. "Ha, no. My parents never told me I had the possibility of being a hybrid. So I didn't know. But at least I got to live like a normal person for most of my life."

She looked at me. "Hm, interesting." She scribbled on the paper. My eyes widened slightly. She's writing my answers down? I thought this was a little heart to heart. I sighed for like the one hundredth time I walked in this room.

 It's not like she's the first one to break my trust, I thought glumly.
"Do you feel like you are prepared for the Exams after all of the training you've had in the facilities and with our trainers?"

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