Psychic - Task Two

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User: S-and-S

Name: Jaime Nicholi


User: CutePonies1234

Name: Ruby Savard


User: PJHDstoryteller

Name: Roman Grey

I stand breathing heavily at the psychic training room, but I had a wide grin on my face.

A man stood across from me, his arms crossed, staring right at me. Frozen in time.

"Ha!" I exclaim, "Got you again!"

I snap my fingers and time speeds up again. The man, Robert, my personal trainer, looks startled as he sees me running at him, when only a split second later I was feet away from him.

He had no time to move away from my attack, and I punched at him. He stumbled back, and I lunged at him again, but he wasn't stupid.

He caught my arm as I swung at him and twisted it behind my back, dropping me to the floor.

"Now, Roman." He said, "Don't get too excited."

I chuckled, "Same to you, Rob."

I closed my eyes and in seconds I was in his mind. I had body-hopped and now I was above him.

I laughed and raised Rob's hand up into the air, "Sorry, man, you forfeit."

I concentrated again and I was back in my body. Rob collapsed to the floor, clutching his head and groaning.

I smiled as I sat up and crossed my legs. "I win." I said.

"For now." Rob said.

He smiled at me and stood up, offering his hand to me. I too it and he pulled me up.

I looked around the arena and saw a dark skinned girl training by herself. She tripped and fell, scraping her knee as she did.

My smile faded away. How could she be my enemy?

"Remember, kid." Rob said, seeming to notice me looking at her, "When the real exams start-"

"Yeah, I know." I waved him away, "Everyone is my enemy."

He grabbed my arm, "Wait."

I looked back at him, "What?" I yanked my arm away from him.

"You can't survive out there on your own. You'll need someone to have your back."

"Yeah?" I said, my interest sparking, "Like who?"

"Well, you'll need a defense. Maybe one of those protection guys, or maybe immortal guys. And then you'll need a strong kid, because let's face it, you can't hold off three people by yourself."

My eyes wandered back to the small girl. "Like who?" I said.

"Well, you're staring at a protection apprentice. And maybe Noah could be a good offense."

I looked back at Rob, "That crazy kid, Noah? No way, he'll probably kill me."

"Listen, Roman." Rob said, suddenly serious, "Think about it, would you rather have him on your team, or against you?"

I blanked.

"He's strong, people are afraid of him. That's a plus for you. No one will mess with you when they know you've got Noah on your team." Rob paused, "Don't forget, that girl will get some of that protection too."

I nodded slowly. He was right. I looked over at the girl, and caught her looking at me. She quickly looked away.

"Let's call it a day." I said absently.

"Right." Rob said, "See you later." He walked away.

I hesitated, then walked over to the girl. She noticed me coming over when I was almost there.

"Hey." I said, trying for a smile, "I'm Roman."

She blushed, "I'm Lana."

I sat down on a mat, "So, you're a protection apprentice?"

"Yeah." She nodded, but didn't sit down next to me.

"Well, I'm a psychic. And I was thinking. Uh, I could kinda use a little protection." I laughed.

"Oh, uh..." She went silent.

I didn't really want to use it, but she was so shy and I knew it would be easier to just read her mind.

I blocked everything else out and listened.

'That would be good', she thought, 'he could help me get through the exams, since I'm not very trained yet-'

I blocked out her thoughts and smiled at her, "Cool, so we could train together if you want from now on"

She looked at me with confusion.

"Oh, I kinda read your mind."

She smiled, "Oh, ok." She laughed, "So, me and you?"

"I was actually thinking of inviting someone else, you know for more strength."

She nodded.

"So, do you want to meet me later somewhere? We can all talk."

"Sure, we can meet in the dining hall at sunset?"

"Ok,  see you then."

I stand up and am about to go, when I turn back to her and say, "Uh, be careful."

She nods.

I wave at her and walk away, looking for Noah.

I didn't see him in any of the training areas, so I was just about to head outside to look for him, when I turned a corner and slammed into someone.

I stumbled back, grumbling, "Hey, what the-"

I looked up to see Noah, staring at me. His blue eyes looked empty, just a spot of color in the darkness of his mind.

"Oh, Noah." I said, "Uh, I wanted to ask you something."

I knew out here, we couldn't use our powers, but I was still afraid of what he was capable of. I tried to calm down.

I cleared my throat and said, "I wanted to ask you if you'd join me in an alliance."

He looked me up and down, then said, "Who are you?"

Embarrassed, I realized that he didn't know who I was. I only knew who he was because Rob had told me about him, telling me that Noah was insane.

"I'm Roman, I'm a psychic apprentice. I think we'd be a good team, I also have a protection apprentice with me. I just-"

He interrupted me, "An alliance. Why would you want an alliance with me?"

"Because you're strong. And I'm-" I laughed, "well, I like to think I'm pretty smart." He didn't laugh, so I continued, "Right. And we need protection with us. We'd make a good team. I-"

"Ok." He said.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, now I have to be somewhere." He pushed me out of his way.

"Ok, but meet me at the dining hall at sunset!" I called after him.

"Please." I added.

He didn't reply, and I had no idea if he would listen, but I did know something.

I had my team.

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