Wildlife - Task Two

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User: AvengingDemigod

Name: Maris Gold

I honestly don't care what that woman Kate said. I can get out of here. There has to be a way out of here. How did that jerk Thomas get out to kidnap me if there wasn't a way out.
I rubbed my side and groaned.
You're rambling.
"Get a grip Maris," I said. I fell back on my bed and continued groaning dramatically for no reason. This room was like a cell. Steel walls, a brick like bed. There was a desk and a small closet. I suppose if it came to something drastic I could slit my wrists with a screw or something.
38 of you are going to die.
Why the hell is this even a thing.
Why the hell would it want a halfer.
"I'm not important!" I shouted at the ceiling hoping for some strange reason the magick would say 'whoops we screwed up'.
I mean yah great I have these powers but if I'm just gonna die, be resurrected, and then forced to be a guard member until the keeper dies, then screw this.
There was a knock at my door and I jumped up. "Igertay." Instead of the somewhat familiar magic flowing through me my head started throbbing and I cried out in pain. "Stupid magical barriers pieces of crap," I said through gritted teeth.
"Ms. Gold?" A male voice called.
"Give me a minute," I shook my head lightly to stop the throbbing and opened the door. "And call me Maris." Standing before me was a youngish man, brown hair, bright green eyes the works of a hot guy. "I used to have a policy, people only calling me by my last name, cause they normally end up dead," I chuckled. "But it seems like I'm gonna be the one dying here."
"Your negativity isn't going to help," the man said. "My name is Drake by the way."
"Good for you."
"I am your trainer."
"Wonderful," I walked past him and looked around the hallways.
"I have noticed that you have stayed in your room the past few days."
"Your point?"
"Follow me," he started walking off and I followed him quickly.
"Where are we going trainer?"
"Where are we going trainer?" I repeated. He stopped and turned around.
"I realize you're going to have an attitude but please, have a positive one if you want to survive the exams." I flipped him off and walked through a random door. The room was like a tropical forest, something I've only seen in books. Fascinating.
There were large trees, a bright crystal clear pond.
Let's try something.
"Ishfay." I dove into the water and started laughing as gills formed on my neck and I swam around.
"You have talent for a halfer," Drake said jumping in next to me. "Though you should try perhaps a more specific fish instead of being general."
"You're a wildlife?"
He nodded and showed me his gills. "Now please try something more specific."
I racked my brain trying to come up with fish names I've heard of. "Umm, ionlay ishfay." Thorn like find grew out of my arms and Drake swam back.
"Nice. Now do you know how to turn it off so you don't get worn out?"
"Just say everseray."
"Reverse in pig Latin, that's all it is?" I crossed my arms. "That's kinda pathetic."
"At least it's not some long complicated thing."
"Valid, everseray," my gills and fins sank back into my body and I quickly swam up to the top.
Drake sat at the edge of the water and pointed at the ceiling. I looked up  at the domed roof and saw vines growing against the rocks, fruits growing off them. "Can you get me one please."
"Get one yourself."
"I would, but we are training you, not me."
I rolled my eyes. "Eagleyay." I fell back as wings sprouted from my shoulder blades, the sudden weight pulling me down. Drake started laughing and I fought off the urge to punch him. "I found out I had powers about a week ago. Sue me."  I took a cautious jump into the air and fell back onto my butt.
"You need to think of yourself as swimming as you take off. Once you are in the air you essentially must have mind over body, control the wings with your mind," Drake said. "Oveday." Bright white wings grew from his back and he launched up into the air with a strong breast stroke.
I jumped and caught the air shakily, my frantic wind swimming sending me crashing into a wall. "Mind over body!" Drake shouted. I nodded and closed my eyes, imagining a bird. I slept opened them back up to see myself hovering over the ground.
"This is awesome!" I cried. I flew around for a few minutes and flipped in the air. "I am sorry for flipping you off sir you taught me how to fly!" I let out another cheer and flew to the ceiling to pull off a fruit. They were star shaped and bright purple, a food I have never seen before. "What are these?"
"Star-grapes," Drake said as I tossed one to him. "The Hybrid Keeper likes mixing fruits together." I took a bite expecting bitterness, but getting a sweet almost apple pie kind of taste. I ate the rest of it eagerly and pulled some more down stuffing them in my pants pockets. Suddenly I felt faint and I dropped a few feet. "You need to land Maris and change back." I dropped a few more feet and rubbed my forehead with the back of my hand.
"Why am I so sweaty?" I asked sleepily.
"Change back!"
"Everseray," I said quietly. The wings faded from my back and I fell into the pond with a loud splash.
"Maris!" I heard Drake dive in and pull me out. I sat up and coughed up water and vomit.
"What happened?"
"Hybrids can only use their powers for so long, and it takes a lot out of them. For someone who has never trained, you don't know your limits." I looked out into the pond and saw the star-grapes floating in the water.
"Damn," I fell back and almost fell asleep.
"Would you like to go back to your quarters."
The thought of the cell filled me with energy and I jumped up. "No way in hell lets go somewhere else, where else can we go?"
"We can go to the sparring rooms," Drake suggested. "See which other apprentices have decided to accept their fates." I nodded and ran out the door. I really don't want to go back to my room. "Follow me." Drake moved in front of me and we again walked through the hallways. I looked around for ways out but just saw rock and guard members. We passed more dormitories and I saw a door guarded by two members, both standing attentively.
"Who's in there?" I asked.
"Noah Spooner," Drake glanced at the door and I swear I saw him shudder. "He tortures people for fun. If he leaves his room Thomas has him under strict rules to be watched at all times."
"Wow," I laughed nervously. "Tough competitors huh?"
Drake shrugged. "I have high hopes for you Maris, you learn fast." I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck.
A lot of nervous rubbing has gone on in the past few days.
God that sounded wrong even in my own head.
Drake pushed open a door and I looked around. It was a regular looking gym, with boxing rings set up and a wall of screens behind them. There were a two people in one of the rings a girl my age and another older looking man. The blond haired girl flipped the guy over her head and laughed. Her laughter sounded fairy like, delicate and sophisticated.
It was kind of creepy. I pointed at her.
"I wanna fight her," I said. "Who is she?"
"The blonde girl's name is Andreana. That man is her trainer," Drake whispered.
I crossed my arms. "Hey you!" I shouted. The girl looked at me, her dark eyes piercing my body. The air around the ring shimmered and she blinked. "Yah you. I want to fight you."
"Yikes, you seem a little too eager to fight....you may want to watch that temper of yours in the exams or who knows," her smile turned darker and I crossed my arms. "Those emotions might get the better of you."
"Is that a threat blondy?" I asked.
I climbed into the ring and cracked my knuckles. Drake leaned against the wall and clapped. "Have fun getting your arms broken."
"Shut up."
"You're already tired from using your powers."
"Shut up!" I looked at the Andreana.
"Listen, I know I just beat this guy to a pulp, but he's just my trainer," she said with a sly looking smile. She put her hand on my shoulder and suddenly my head started to get fuzzy. Calming thoughts seeped through my brain and I shook my head. "I seek no battle with you."
No. No.
38 dead remember. This is not a time to be calm and peaceful.
"Drake what is her power?" I asked.
"I'm not telling you," he said.
"You're such a big help."
Andreana let go of my shoulder. "It's strength." I felt a sudden urge to trust her. "But quite frankly I don't think I'm that strong." She looks down at the ground shyly and I looked at her. She was acting suspicious, like the old gang members I ran with.
Maybe she could be an ally.
"Alright then," I tossed my shirt to the ground and stretched my arms out. "So I dunno how this whole screen fighting stuff works, if you could direct me please."
"I don't want to fight you," she said quietly. "I...don't much like fighting."
I crossed my arms and held in a laugh. "You just beat that guy to a pulp. Why are you lying? Besides its just practice right?"
The girl snapped. "What do you want? You want to fight that badly? Really, alright then, care for a little simulation?" She was tense and it was my turn to smirk.
"I knew it," I said. "You act like some of my old gang members.  You act fake to get what you want. But I worked with those guys and I knew you were acting off. So yah I want to fight and yes I'd love a simulation." Andreana glared at me. "You can't fool a faker and a cheat blondy."
"Oh can't I now?" She smiled darkly. That's it the facade fell. "You were in a gang you say, which division."
Now it was my turn to tense. I haven't talked about those people in years. "Black Dragons," I said. I lifted my tanktop and showed a large intricate dragon tattoo trailing down my side, the tail reaching down to my knee, but I wasn't pulling my pants down for her. The eyes and flames of the dragon reflected gold in the light and I looked over at Drake to see him watching with curiosity.
"Ah so you must be quite the rough fighter huh? You just another lackey or are you actually important?"
I shrugged. "Head assassin. Leader of my own team since I was thirteen. Before that I was weapon analysis and poison maker. Reached second in command by fifteen and if the big dog kicked the bucket I would have been leader."
This girl was trying to do something to me. I couldn't even tell what but it was worrying me. All these questions on the gang.
"I have some questions of my own now," I said. "What gang or guild are you from. You're talented someone would have snatched you up."
"Not really I keep to myself," she says. Andreana is starting to get sweaty and I tilt my head.
"Are you lying again?" I ask. "Or using your powers?" She looks shaky, uncertain on her own feet.
"Guess," she says with a coy smile.
"Both." She looked at me in shock. "You're sweating, I was sweating when I used my powers to much and maybe your telling the truth about the gang thing and your just good at lying."
"So what if I am?" She was so tense. Anger and bitterness drained out of her in waves. "So what if I am using my powers. So what if I was in a gang." She starts smiling, in way that makes me step back. Andreana laughed. "What are you going to do kill me? Get in line, there are 36 others who will be out for my hide, as well as yours. You're really just wasting your breath." Suddenly it looked like she went numb inside herself. "Or maybe I'm wasting mine. So if you'll excuse me." She walks past me. "I'm done here."
"Wait," I stop her as she climbs out of the ring. "I'm sorry. Look I just found out I want this hybrid thing like a week ago and you know what I'm scared. I don't want to die if it is temporary." I crossed my hands behind my neck. "Can we just make up, maybe spar another day? A day where we both aren't tired and worn out. Please?" I held out my hand. "Friends, or if you want to be more serious, allies?"
Andreana stopped and looked at me curiously. She then smiled and took my hand. "Another day. I'll take you on. Oh and what's your name?"
I jumped out of the ring and grabbed my t-shirt drying the sweat off my back. Man all this talking is getting me sweaty. "The name is Maris, Maris Gold. Allies then yah? Shall I see you at dinner blondy?"
"You can call me Andreana," she said with a smirk. "And yeah, see you Gold." She starts to walk off but looks back at me. "Oh, but if Andreana is to long, you can call me Angel. See you around."
"Angel huh?" I laughed. "Dude I am glad I'm not your enemy. I had no idea you were you. Also I like blondy more, but I might give this Angel thing a shot." She left the room and a few minutes after I left as well. I walked out of the gym and as soon as I passed through the swinging doors I leaned against the wall in exhaustion. 
"Are you alright?" Drake asked. He pulled my arm over his shoulders and helped me back to my rooms.
"I'm just tired," I said. I yawned and Drake helped me into bed. "Thanks. I'm sorry again for flipping you off. That was rude."
"All is forgiven, I've dealt with worse," Drake turned the lights off. "Get some rest I expect to see you at six in the morning."
"How do I tell time down here?" I asked.
"I will have an alarm set up in this room," Drake said. "Sleep well Maris."

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