Emotion - Task Three

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User: x_Karen_x

Name: Emerald

Emerald straightened up her red dress as she knows today she will be interviewed by Kate. She put on her red dress as she looks at herself in the mirror before fixing her hair a little. She put on a little make up and also she takes her heels. Red heels to be exact.

Her heels clanked each time she walks to the interview room. It is her turn next. A apprentice walks out and she knows now is her turn. She knocks on the door.

" Come in. " Kate's voice was heard, it sounded cheerful.

Emerald walks in with a confident smile. " Hello, Kate. We meet again. "

" Hello, please take a seat. " Kate smile back.

Emerald nodded and take a seat.

Kate pick up her pen and look at the papers on the clipboard.
 " Hm How do you feel about being an apprentice in the keeper exams? " She asked with a smile

Emerald takes sometime to think. " To be honest, I was reluctant to be one of the apprentices at first because I hated how only one can excel. But now, i changed my mind. I really do want to win so badly.  So i love being an apprentice here.

Kate nodded, smiling. " Alright. Next, Do you think you have what it takes to be a keeper? "

" Yeah, you guys may not see that first but hell, I'll strive my very best to get that spot! " Emerald cheered on.

Kate rolled her eyes but still kept that smile. " What is your greatest weakness? Strength? "

Emerald frowned as she thinks hard. " My greatest weakness would be not being able to send physical pains because you know, I'm an emotion person. And my strength is that I can help other people and also i don't think emotion is as weak as other people thinks. So basically my strength is that i can send powerful emotion pains."

Kate nodded. " How far are you willing to go to becoming a Keeper? "

" I will do ANYTHING but betraying my friends to get to it. I'm willing to use my strengths and my will powers to reach that goals. I will used my very best to do what it takes to get it. " She said smiling.

" And what if they betrayed you to get the spot? " She asked, raising an eyebrow at Emerald.

" Well-" She stopped and frowned. " I guess I'll be very disappointed then..." She bit her bottom lip and sighed. " I hope they wouldn't do that though " She added.

" On the scale of 1-10, How would you rate your abilities when controlling your Gift? " Kate writes her previous answers down quickly as she asked.

" Hmmm, 9. " Emerald reply simply.

Kate gives her a curt nod. " Do you feel cheated for not getting to trained as a child? "

" Hmm, nope. I did my own trainings so yeah. " Emerald answer quickly.

Kate nodded as she write it down again. " Do you feel like you are prepared for the Exams after you've had the chance to train here in our facilities with our trainers? "

" I'm not gonna be proud and said I am because I'm not. I still need a couple of more trainings before i can tell you that. " Emerald said.

Kate noted it down. " Does the chance to become a Keeper or a part of the Guarde excite or terrify you? "

" Both, to be honest. " Emerald said honestly.

She nodded and writes it down. " What would be your first order as a Keeper ? "

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