Cole Characin - Resurrection

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User: THGF1234

The pain within the freezing ice chilled my blood as my life was torn apart and sewn again by the Keeper. I had understood that I failed the first Stage.

I woke in a blanket of white, nothing but white. I looked up and saw a reflection of my tired and ragged body-and the Keeper's. She had walked in at that very moment.

I had almost no regret in my heart. I hated the Exams. I still had my true love. Within my heart. Then Kate spoke, "You had lost. Do you even regret it?" "I do regret not doing better but I wished I never came here," I spoke with a dark voice.

"I understand." I watched her leave as she said one last thing, "You can meet the others soon."

I walked to a hallway where the apprentices were before the Exams and got into my room. I opened my door and-that's when I saw her. Ruby Savard. The love of my life. She turns to see me with her blond hair falling from her shoulders.

I see her warm face and I give a slight smile. She looks up into my dark eyes and smiles too. That's when we embrace.

Our lips touched and I smiled. There was no place like home and yet no person can replace her.

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