Fourth Encounters

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Realm One: Treetop Base Capture

-Base Four-

Penny and Edwin, after successfully taking Base Six for their team, decide to rest for the night on a platform hidden within the tops of trees; enabling them to swipe fruits from the branches. After only a few hours of sleep, a deafening thunderstorm begins to brew in the skies above them. And rain water leaks down through the foliage.

Sabrina and Crysalis, after having been defeated, pick themselves up off the floor of their lost tree house and continue on into the night, trying not to get discouraged. Pelts of rain beat down on them, lighting flashes, and thunder roars. Their newly found injuries, extreme hunger, and exhaustion cause them to move slowly and sloppily.

Penny and Edwin decide to keep moving, despite the lack of sunlight and thunderstorm. They come to a huge water filled platform that squishes under their feet; causing slow movement. Two ziplines hover over the center of the platform, as if it were a landing base. Off in the distance, a bright light illuminates the treetop forest around them, allowing them to see the tree house positioned at the opposite end of the bouncy platform.

Crysalis and Sabrina come to a zipline, where two harnesses are waiting for them. Except, neither girl is excited for the flight ahead considering the ending platform is no where in sight. A bundling of trees and branches hide the landing within it, forcing Sabrina and Crysalis to wonder where they might end up. Neglectfully, both girls strap in and push off the platform, taking flight on a metallic device as lightning strikes overhead.

Penny and Edwin feel the platform under them begin to rattle and the two ziplines start to shake fervently. A streak of panic shoots through them and they dart forward, but the platform acts as a type of quicksand and they end up getting stuck.

Crysalis and Sabrina end up falling into a squishy platform at the bottom of their ziplines but the harnesses refuse to release. They see two figures stumbling towards them and the tree house on the other side.

Only one team can claim the tree house. At least one person must die in your version.


Realm Two: Underwater Atlantis Maze

-Riddle Two-

Hannah and Zander, after having defeated Diana and Dakota, are one step closer to reaching the center of the maze and reuniting with their team. Both are tired and injured from their fight so they are overjoyed when they stumble upon a room full of seafood, fresh water, and comfy chairs.

Samuel and Serena, are seemingly stuck inside a tiny room with nothing to distract themselves from their failure. But a trapdoor in the floor releases and opens up to a new tunnel, Samuel and Serena have no other option but to go through it. They too come to a room full of fruits, fresh water, and a place to rest.

Both teams are able to jump start their bodies with a little rest and food, but a dark, poisonous mist begins to fill the room where Hannah and Zander are staying, forcing them to flee. Millions of tiny cockroaches begin to overrun the room where Samuel and Serena are trying to rest and the two dash away in a hurry.

Samuel and Serena stumble upon a cliff that drops down into nothingness, but they have no other way to go as the sea of cockroaches is still following them. Hannah and Zander are met by a waterfall which might have sharp rocks at the bottom, but the mist is still behind them.

Both teams can see a glowing white door with a number two on it somewhere underwater/over the cliff's edge. Jumping through means enduring another riddle. And both teams take the risk.

Inside the riddle room, Hannah, Zander, Serena, and Samuel collide but before they can rip each other apart, they hear the robotic voice and see the projection on the floor.

"Riddle Two: I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?"

On the wooden door before them, a series of notches become visible in the surface. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

PM me the correct answer then continue with the prompt. It's not over!

Once one of the teams is able to figure out the riddle, they shout it out and a silver key suddenly appears hovering above their head, having come from nowhere at all.

Only one team can make it through the door and whoever does will be the first to make it to the center of the maze. At least one person must die in your version.

P.S. Hannah and Penny are no longer participating. Kill them off please.

You have until May 31st.

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