Chapter Thirty-Six - When Fear Holds No Power

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User: AvengingDemigod

Name: Maris Gold

It was down to the four of us, Roman, Crysalis, Luke, and me. Not looking forward to this. Luke and I have formed a friendship through our time together, Crysalis has proven to be stronger than most I've met, and Roman... we had whatever we had.

It was all too clear in my mind what had to happen next and my stomach flipped with anxiety. Only one of us was going to make it out of this alive, the rest sent into whatever limbo they were placed in before resurrection.

I take comfort only in the knowledge that no matter what happens I'll get to see Roman and Andreana again.

Roman was sitting at the river cleaning his wounds while Luke stared blankly at me, appearing deep in thought. Crysalis was quiet for the hours we were up on the mountain top. She never moved just stared at her reflection in the water with the same blank expression as Luke. These tasks have finally broken them, broken me as well. There is no way someone could come out of this unscathed, wether physically or mentally. The people who have never been killers had pieces of their soul lost every time they take another apprentice out. The people who have died have had to face death and then will suddenly be brought back to life. I'm honestly amazed that the keeper Kate had kept her sanity. I wonder if any before her had lost it.

"Maris," Roman looked over at me and smiled lightly.

I tried to smile back but I couldn't find the strength to show any optimism. He was going to die here on this mountain in front of me. I don't know if I'm ready for that pain, not after all the others.

"Well," Luke clapped his hands and I stood up. "I think we all know what has to happen."

Crysalis stood up and nodded. "Guys we can talk about this," Roman said holding his hands up. I did smile at that, he was a man of peace, I don't know if he could handle the position of a leader if he survived this.

Crysalis looked at the three of us and bowed her head in respect. "It has been an honor fighting with you and against you," she said. Luke and I bowed our heads as well and Roman just crossed his arms.

"No one has to die," he said.

"You're wrong," Luke said. "Death is the only way this will end."

"He's right Roman," I said quietly. He looked at me, sadness in his eyes. "It's the only way this can end. It has been an honor." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Atcay." Claws grew from my hands and I lunged at Crysalis, who jumped back into the river. Small water tornadoes swirled up around me and I ducked under the water to avoid the storm. I went back to the surface and with a quick word became a shark. The claws faded away and gills formed on my neck, my teeth sharpening. I dove back under and swam like a bullet to Crysalis, pulling her under. She screamed, her lungs filling with water and quickly formed an air bubble around her head. She tried throwing the ground at me but I jumped up onto the grass. I changed into an elephant and when she climbed out I tackled her throwing her back in. She gasped struggling for air and I pinned her arms down preventing her from summoning her magic. I held my breath, not willing to turn lest I lose my grip on her. She looked at me, fear in her eyes, then smiled lightly. She went still and I let her go, her body floating to the top. I swam back up and coughed violently on the surface. My vision was foggy but though my gasps for air I saw Roman and Luke staring at each-other, trapped in a physic battle. I climbed out the water and ran at Luke but suddenly there was a sharp snap and I was thrown back in the shockwave.

The breath was knocked out of me and both the boys were lying on the ground, still and not breathing. "Roman!" I ran over and slid next to him. "Roman..." I felt his pulse and tried to hold back tears, he was dead. I stood up and looked at Luke who was holding himself up.

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