Roman Grey - Resurrection

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User: PJHDstoryteller

Roman was floating in vast emptiness. He couldn't see, couldn't speak, couldn't move. His thoughts were clouded and jumbled up into a hurricane of scenes flashing before him.

He saw his family, back home. His mother and brother, and he saw Noah. The disturbed, mysterious boy that was what he could only call his friend for a very short period of time.

Saw him die.

Saw the outline of a purple haired, firey girl in a magnificent dress in a beautiful room.

Saw her kill.

Saw himself struggling through a rain torn forest, saw himself kill, run, fight, and eventually, he died.

Suddenly, a rush of light made it too bright to see, and all his senses rushed back at him at once, overwhelming him, his body in a pain that could only be brought on by death.

And he gasped, sitting upright on an uncomfortable bed.

"Calm down," a familiar voice spoke, "you need to rest."

Roman looked to his side and saw Kate, the former keeper. Confused, he looked around the room and saw that he was in a hospital bed. He rubbed his eyes, coming to the conclusion that he had been resurrected.

"You were so close, you know." Kate said, "Almost came in second."

Roman faltered, "Right." He swallowed hard, "I didn't make it. Luke killed me, got into my head." He laughed dryly, "Wow, that's embarrassing. I'm the psychic here, and he got into my head."

Kate smiled softly, trying to make him lie back down. Roman stayed sitting, and turned towards her, "So, who did it? Who won?"

Kate looked out the glass door of the room they were sitting in, "Both you and I know who."

Roman shook his head, smirking, "Damn, Maris." He whispered, "You really are tough as nails."

"Luke won second, and will serve beside her now." Kate said.

Roman had been trying to avoid the subject, but now that Kate had spoken, it made him feel angry.

"Yeah, I figured as much." Roman snapped, "And what's gonna happen to me? Send me back home? Let me and Noah hang out a bit until we feel like killing each other for real?"

Kate said nothing, just watched him speak.

"I'm so useless, god damn it! Another thing I couldn't accomplish! It wasn't supposed to end up like this, how are things going to work out this way? How will we end up?"

Kate quietly said, "You're alive, Roman. Isn't that enough?"

Roman stood up, swayed with dizziness, closed his eyes tight. He felt Kate's hand on his shoulder.

Kate spoke again, "You're showing your selfish side."

Roman shook her hand off him, "Get away from me. Yeah, I'm selfish, we all are. Try going what I went through and not getting a tad bit pissed."

Kate raised her eyebrow at him.

"Fine, try going through what I went through and losing." Roman corrected.

His face slackened and his voice softened. He sighed, "There are way too many 'what if's' that I can think of right now." He looked at Kate, "And that was painful. Couldn't you have made it a little nicer? You know, dying and reviving and all?"

Kate chuckled, "Then it wouldn't be the same, now would it?"

Roman sat back down on the bed and looked at Kate's face. Her never-aging and -now that he looked at it- quite beautiful face.

"How old are you anyway?" Roman whispered, as if asking it was a sin.

"About 104, sometimes I lose count." She chuckles.

Roman wanted to hate Kate, but he only felt sorry for her. She was going to die soon, when Maris becomes the next keeper.

He pictured Maris in the years to come, how she will become old in wisdom but beautiful and strong physically. How long will she live? There are so many things that will happen now, so many things that have happened, that Roman didn't know where to start.

"Can I see Maris now? And the others?" He was thinking of Noah-wondering how he felt now, and Andreana- the promise she had made him keep so long ago to keep Maris safe- and of Lana, the innocent girl who had died so early on.

Kate smiled at him, "In due time, Roman."

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