Survival Apprentices

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User: pebbleintherocks

Name: Apollo Rose

Gender: female

Age: 17

Apperance: Apollo Rose would be tall and skinny with tan skin and super curly/wavy hair. (Lauryn Taylor)

Background: Apollo Rose grew up not knowing about her Gift. She grew up in a fairly urban town. In school she was just about average as everyone. Although she always felt like there was something a little bit off about her.


User: HungerGamesWolf

Name: Jace

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: He is lean with dark brown hair. Jace has some muscle mass and is about. 5"11. (Dylan O'Brien)

Background: He has been training for years to become the ultimate survivalist. Now that the time has come, he is prepared to test his skills against others to truly master his abilities.


User: Me-wowzer

Name: Diana Loch

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Apprearance: Black hair, pale skin (Merit Leighton)

Background: Trained most of her life for the Exams

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