Chapter Seven - Not Even A Flutter

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Grey fog swirls around me as I awaken. Cold, bitter wind rips at my cloths as I sit up.

Where am I?

My head is pounding and I turn my head-feeling my stomach lurch.
Breakfast is making a re-appearance.

After I am finished, I sit up and look around. Mist swirls around me, and snow crunches under my toes.

I think I'm on a mountain.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I have this awful feeling in my gut.
I think I'm about to die.

Panic sets in as my eyes fly open. I can't die. Please-I'm not ready yet!

I've got to move if I want to stay alive.  I look around me. Trees to my left, a icy crater to my right.
My best chance of survival lies in the trees.
I sprint towards the trees, seeking the comforting shelter in the forest. I hear a scream in the distance, and run faster.
I've got to survive.
I climb a tree, and perch on a branch high above the forest floor. My heart pounds out of control, and my breaths come in short breaths.
I need to win.

I hear footsteps approaching as I huddle against the trunk. I shrink back farther into my tree, willing whoever is below me to not look up.

The footsteps stop. I can't imagine why. I know that I should stay hidden, but I can't help it.
Curiosity gets the better of me as I creep forward on my branch, trying to get a better look at the person below me.
A youngish girl stands there looking around. Her short red hair is askew, and her bright blue eyes are wild. I sit there looking at her for a moment.

Then she looks up.

Instantly I spring into survival mode. I leap from the branch, and land on her hard, taking her down.
I hear a sickening smack as her head hits a rock. I sit on her chest, watching her eyes roll up into her head.
I pant heavily as I look down at her.
All of a sudden, I am horrified as I realize what I just did.
I scramble off of the girl. With trembling fingers, I gently touch my fingers to the side of her neck.

There's not even a flutter.

She's dead.

I killed a girl.

"No!" I wail. I break out into violent sobs as I look down at her.

I brush the blood away to see fancy silver script on the collar of the girls shirt.

Sofia Hart

I look down at her, my sobs fading.

"I'm sorry." I murmur before standing off, and disappearing into the forest.

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