Physical - Task Two

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User: WinterRoze

Name: Millicent

I paced around in my room, refusing to see anyone or eat anything. I wish I could leave but I can't. I thought of the pros and cons of being in the room. No one can bother me, but then I won't know anyone. I'm happy here, but I won't be happy out there once the exams have started, a tiny argument started inside my mind. Finally giving up I walked out of my room, but not before I took a pair of my white lace gloves and slipped them on. I walked to the sparring grounds, I spotted someone with brown hair and golden brown eyes. I walked to him.
"Hey, I'm Millicent."I said smiling
"Yeah, Edwin. Wanna spar?"he asked bluntly
I nodded
"By the way, my gift is wraith."he said slyly
My eyes widened and I tried to back out of it, but he wouldn't hear of it. Before I could do anything he did something, suddenly everything was spinning, I was trapped in between walls, blood started dripping down. I shrieked in horror and tried to run, but the walls were closing in, I was scared of blood, stupid but it was true. Voices pounded against me head.
"Isn't real."rasped one
I noticed a blurry outline of a human figure. Something warm touched me hands, I let out a blood curdling scream. Blood, it touched me. The figure dematerialized and  materialized beside me. Edwin. Looking at him I raised my hand and twisted, he doubled over in pain. I closed my hand into a fist and he started screaming blue murder. Sudden everything stopped, no more closed walls. I was on the floor breathing heavily. I relaxed my other hand, Edwin stood up shakily and offered me a hand up.
"You're pretty good."he said breathless
"But you're better,"I said
"Practice makes perfect."he stated
"Do you want to be allies?"I asked
He smiled and nodded. 


User: THGF1234

Name: Samuel de Sapphiron

 Cole glared at them with his stormy grey eyes. Sam stared at them, his silver-green eyes sparkling with mischief. Miles glanced at them, his chocolate brown eyes changing into a coffee brown as it got darker. The surrounding land formed into a cave. Miles craned his newly morphed bat eyes and could hear struggling and zapping of electricity. Claws bared itself out and he ran in.
Cole summoned a bolt of lightning and threw it into Sam, burning a hole in his jacket and shirt beneath. Miles hissed and jumped on Cole, blinding him with shock. Cole picked up power and zapped Miles in the waist. Sam made a shoving force with his hand, making Cole flip and smash his jaw on the hard concrete. Sam tapped Miles with one hand and Cole with the other. He shocked Miles again with almost near death power. He got some claws and scratched up Cole.
The boys on the ground was dazed and shocked. Samuel laughed and walked out the door whistling happily to himself, leaving the others behind.


User: ZzzLazyZzz

Name: Noah Spooner

 Guilt was definitely not Noah's forte.

Guilt always swallowed him after the deed was done.  It was too strong to battle, too strong to win against. All Noah could do was tuck himself away in it, bearing everything it brought upon him.

Kevin was now in the hospital. They said he would never be able again. They said he'd need crutches for the rest of his life because of the weakness of his body. He was no more than a feather ripped to shreds.

But Noah had been joyous when he'd  torn him to pieces. Every time he used his abilities on people,  he felt like he was actually peeling away their flesh.  He imagined the gaping wounds and the powdered bones with every one of his strikes. He imagined the tangy smell of blood dissolving into the air. It was just like a bold, graphic movie

But how funny I am, Noah thought. Tears rolled down his cheeks and along his neck. I always feel unsatisfied after I've played my part.

He rubbed his damp throat with the back of his hand. The walls stuffy room seemed as if they were moving in on him. Noah jumped to his feet and lunged for the door. His chest lifted up and down as he panted. This was what guilt did to him; it made him repay. 

He closed his eyes and reeled back. His legs tripped over each other, and he stumbled onto another figure right behind him. His elbow hit something soft, causing a yelp of pain. 

"Hey, watch it!"

Noah spun around to see a boy about his age. He straightened up slowly against the wall, wincing.

"Oh, it's you. Noah,  I wanted to ask you something."

There was a pause.

"Can we form an alliance? "

Noah stared at him through narrowed eyes, then shook his head. "Who are you?"

"I'm Roman. I'm a psychic apprentice.  I think... "

Noah felt an urge to reach out and scratch Roman's face. His mouth was moving, but Noah didn't recognize his words. He tied his hands behind his back and bit down on his tongue. 

"... Why would you want an alliance with me?"  he heard himself say. 

Don't hurt him. 

 Don't hurt him. 

"Well, you're strong,  and I'd like to think I'm smart." Roman laughed. 

Get away from me.

Okay," Noah said. "Yeah,  now I have to go somewhere."

He pushed past Roman and began marching away. 

"Meet me before sunset!"

Don't hurt him.

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