Chapter Thirty-One - Beyond Ashes and Storm

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User: THGF1234

Name: Luke

I was alone. Edwin and Leandra was gone. I was the last of my gift, Wraith. Kate says her speech describing the aspects of the third stage. I was healed with what they called Bluemist.I had lost some of my dearest friends including Edwin and Steve. I only had Samuel who was in a bed beside my own. I soon was better and gave Samuel good luck before going into the final stage. We are on an island in the middle of a big ocean with nothing to see from a far distance. I touch the ocean with my finger and quickly pull it away from the acid that lingered in the water and putted a red welt on my finger. I swear angrily before slipping into the shadows like a ninja. I fly for what felt like miles. Soon I reach a wrecked beach and I stumble as I fall toward the island. Tick tock. My half hour of flying was over as I crashed into the beach which was not made of sand but shattered bits of glass. I fly out with bits of glass stuck to my exposed hands and face. I stop by a pile of broken things. Bottles, wood, furniture, treasures, all broken beyond recognition, some burnt to ashes. I see a broken medical kit and scavenge what remain of the kit, some bandages. Perfect. I stick them on my cuts after carefully picking the glass out with a rusty pair of tweezers.That's when I hear a rumbling roar. Wind whirled around me and nearly blew me away. Smoke and winds swirl into a funnel touching the ground. I scream in anger as the winds of the storm swirls as it tosses a broken car toward me and the car crushing me beneath. Then I slip out from under the car and soon I was pulled into the eye of the storm. I pulled with my Gift to become a shadow and escape the raging storm. It takes a while then to my surprise, I am tossed into a muddy pond. I spit out mud and pull myself out of the pond. Then a shower of water splashes me. I look up to see a pipe blasting water out, probably sewer water, but at least, I wasn't so muddy as I was just before. I look through the pile to see if I could find something. Then I spotted myself in the reflection of a shattered mirror. I looked terrible. Dark bags was under my eyes due to exhaustion, bandages covered a large amount of my exposed skin. My clothes was wet, dirty and ripped. Though my glistening blue-silver eyes still glowed, showing I had survived many battles and I survived, unlike some people. Determination fuelled me. I wanted to go even farther than I was now. Then I saw some canned food. I picked one off. It read, "COOKED VEGETABLES." I picked a piece of metal and sliced the tin can open.I ate it, it was a little thick and chewy but at least it was food. I saw a pack and I started to pick out some cans of food. When I had a reasonable amount to last me nearly two weeks, I took the sharp piece of metal and slipped it into a side pocket on the pack. That was a struggling day but luckily I was alive. I am still alive.

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