Stage Three Details

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I would've wrote a chapter in Kate's POV except I'm not really up for it so... Stage Three is finding the best of the best. Stage One and Two have weeded out the weak ones and Stage Three will decide which apprentice has what it takes to be Keeper.

This realm is set in the middle of an acidic ocean. There are three islands set in a triangular form, all equal distance away. Please pick an island that you would like to start out on. Three apprentices to one island!

Island One: The Feral Forest (full of dangerous creatures, poisonous plants, toxic fruit, and constant tsunamis, unbearable temperatures)

- PJHDstoryteller - Roman 

- THGF1234 - Samuel

- infinitywordlover - Zander

Island Two: The Deadly Desert (overrun by snakes and spiders and plagued by constant earthquakes and sandstorms, sink holes)

- infinitywordlover - Crysalis

- alicoforever - Sabrina 

- a_person66 - Loira

Island Three: The Wicked Wasteland (landfill infested with tetanus, full of broken down cars and long forgotten waste, and terrifying tornados)

- AvengingDemigod - Maris

- Rdmwrites - Ripley 

- THGF1234 - Luke

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