Pre-Exams Task Two

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For this task, you have been picked to enter the Exams and Kate has already explained a little bit about the stages and realms you'll be subject to. Now, you need to gauge your abilities.

You've spent the last few days since meeting with Kate to wander the base and explore your surroundings. You know that there is no way out, you know you are underground, and you know that there is a device somewhere in the building that interferes with your Gift and prohibits it's use. However, the training grounds are exempt from the effects of this device.

There are fourteen specialized training grounds, one for each of the thirteen Gifts and another for sparring between different Gift users. Maybe you are curious to know what you are capable of and how far you can push yourself or, maybe you are in denial.

You have an option to leave the comfort of your empty, steel walled room with nothing but a bed, a small closet, and a desk to witness how powerful you are and maybe make an ally. Or, you can stay in your room and deny your new reality, you can avoid the competition and remain oblivious to those around you. The choice is yours. Also, there are thirty-nine personal trainers, which is yours?

You have 96 hours, I'm giving you guys an extra day since some of you still have yet to pass in the first task and I don't wanna slam those people with two tasks in 72 hours. You're welcome. Make sure to private message me who you choose to become allies with. It will benefit you later in the Exams if I am aware, however how and when it will help you is not for you to know until it becomes relevant. Collaborate versions with allies so there is no contradicting versions please. Thanks.

P.S. Guys -- If you miss the deadline for ANY of the four Pre-Exam tasks then you can pass them in at any time before the Exams start. It's only when Stage One begins that I won't accept them anymore.

Also, Thomas has a POV for this as an example and information.

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