Chapter Twenty-One - She Will Be Avenged

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Realm Two: Underwater Atlantis Maze

Team Purple

User: infinitywordlover

Name: Zander

We don't wait long before we continue onwards, and I know we have to be close now. I can feel it in my gut. I know it's foolish, but you know, what I've learned from this whole fiasco is, use whatever you have, or you'll never get anything done.

Cuts and bruises line my limbs, but I suppose it could've been worse. To my right Hannah is walking stoically like always. A fish follows her fingers as she trails them across the glass wall, and suddenly she stops. She points back the way we came from.

"Second fork," she says simply. I stare at her doubtfully but nod anyways, deciding once again to trust whatever I could.

It turns out that her fish buddy is of course correct, awesomely so in fact. Inside the room is a table heaped full of seafood, crackers, gallons of water, and several cushy chairs. I whoop in excitement, and high five her.

"Oh my god Hannah, I could kiss your fish buddy right now!" The fish in question seems to dart a nervous glance towards Hannah, and she rolls her eyes.

"Don't worry, he's joking. He's not kissing anybody."

I turn to her mock glaring. "Excuse me?! What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means," she says grinning "that I would never inflict the horror of a kiss from you onto anything."

I will have you know that I am an excellent kisser.

"And who told you that? Your mom?"


She laughs and points to the food. "Well we should eat now. I nod in agreement and begin inhaling a platter of crackers with a crabmeat salad.

The air is filled only with the sound of eating and drinking and the occasional moan of starving pleasure as the food is delicious.

But it doesn't last. No surprise there.

Just as I lean back against a couch to take a nap,

There's a loud hissing noise from the walls sparking a look of suspicion and confusion from Hannah reflecting my own.

It continues for a solid minute without change but still we don't relax, and the milky white mist begins to roll of of the walls surging towards us.

"Run!"Hamnah screams, and I don't need telling twice. Stuffing a handful of crackers in my pocket,I sprint out the door.

We slam the door closed behind us and for a second it works but tendrils of mist quickly curl themselves under and between the cracks Their fingers stretch and reach towards me, and i dash down the hall.

There's a sharp cry behind me and I whip around concerned."Are you ok?:

She waves a hand and limps to my side. There a large red welt along her calf where the mist had touched her, but she gestures for me to keep moving.

"I'm fine."

We run along the corridors taking the turns at random and suddenly we come to the edge of a cliff.

"Woah." I screech to a stop swinging my arms to stop Hannah from crashing into me.

A huge waterfall cascades over the side roaring with the power of a thousand tons. Mist washes up around us so that within a few seconds we're drenched.

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