Transformation - Task Three

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User: Ej21vf

Name: Adam Black

My footsteps were the only thing in the hall that made noise in the hallway. I was approaching the room I had to meet Kate in.

I reached for the doorknob on opened the door. The room was silent as I walked in, it was like a interrogation room one table two chairs and Kate was in one of them. "Hi Adam!" She said she pointed to the chair "have a seat." She said I sat down quietly

"Hi." I greeted her

"I only have a few questions for you before I let you off and you can go do your stuff"

"Okay that sounds good." I say

"How do you feel about being a apprentice in the keeper exam?" She asked her first question.

I thought about how I should answer " I think it's fine I'm excited but nervous at the same time."

She wrote my response down then asked the next question " do you think you have what it take to become the keeper?"

"Yes I do I feel that I have all the traits you should have."

"what is you greatest weakness and strength?" She asked politely

"Well my weakness is probably that I can't change into things that are not living. And my strength is that I can change into and change things almost instantly."

"Great now how far are you willing to go to become the keeper?"

"I am willing to put my life on the line."

"On a scale from 1-10 how how would you rate your abilities when coming to control your gift?"

"To be honest I can say there is improvement but i will as about a 9." I say confidently

"Did you resent spending time in you childhood training for the keeper exams?"

"Yes I trained my power but I had  no idea I was going to be entered into this!" I said

"Do you think you are prepared for the exams?"

"Yes I do I have Ben practicing hard."

"What emotion do you feel when you think of becoming the keeper?"

"I feel like I can do anything so happy emotions."

"What would your first order as keeper be?" She asked me

"My first order would have to be to make sure that all hybrids and humans are treated as equals." I say

"What qualities does it to become the keeper?"

"I think that you have to have kindness boldness, you have to be smart and that you need to know your own weakness."

"Ok that's it see you in the exams!" She said

"Okay." I said standing late walked past me with her papers and she stumbled and dropped the papers she was holding. I leaned over to pick the papers up when I handed the papers to her when I felt like a sharp pain in my index finger I looked at my finger and there was a tiny trickle of blood.


User: DisneyWorldInfoQueen

Name: Wednesday Addams

I stand in the halls as I am about to talk with Kate. I am not nervous. I have been in worse situations at home. I mean, you don't know what it's like to get reprimanded for not talking to a stranger! I don't know why she called for me, but it shouldn't be anything bad. The only big happening since arriving was the run in with Apollo. You know, she was a good opponent. I'll remember her.

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