Chapter Thirty-Five - Too Much Death

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User: AvengingDemigod

Name: Maris Gold

Luke and I sat around for a few days, hunting rats and sparring. I had to admit the wraith was good, he was clever. After days of digging he found some good nightmares to use against me, though I always found a way out.

"Your last punch really-" Luke coughed. We just finished sparring again. I hit his windpipe hard on accident, he was down for a few minutes I thought I killed him on accident.

"Sorry," I said. I looked up at the sky for more storms but saw none forming. "Do you ever get the feeling it's too quiet here?"

"What do you mean?"

"There hasn't been a tornado for hours, it's unnerving."

"It's a welcome relief in my opinion," Luke said resting. I watched him for a few moments. He was like the older brother I never had or wanted for that matter. But it was good to have company. Suddenly the buildings around us began to shake lightly, dust and debris falling around us. The ground started to splinter and break underneath us and I jumped up.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Earthquake," Luke said quickly. "We need to get to the water now."

"Oh yah the acidic ocean so safe."

"Come on!" Luke grabbed my wrist and we sprinted past collapsing buildings and ground that fell into nothing.

"Maybe sparring wasn't such a good idea!" I shouted as we ran. I could feel the bruises on my skin, the cool air brushing against it. I keep forgetting that I used my shirt for bandages, it was so hot here I figured I was wearing it. Occasionally as we ran Luke shadow traveled us out of harms way and I would use the speed of whatever animal I could think of to launch us forward. We eventually broke out past the buildings and ended up on the beach, the sand slowly being consumed by the waters.

"Well then," Luke froze.

"Over there," I said pointing ahead. I saw a swirl of silver and golden dust, something solid inside of it. "You see it?"

"Yah I do," Luke said. We watched as out of the waters burst another island, stretching far into the sky, brilliant colors filling the once empty space.

"Something tells me we go over there," I said.

"You sure?"

"Rather be dissolved?"

"Guess not," Luke wrapped his hands in mine and I nodded.

"Avenray." My wings sprouted from my back and I launched up into the air, looking back to see the last of the island dropping into the sea.

Good riddance.

I flew over to the new green covered island and saw a wooden platform with a few moving forms on it. "Ignore them, fly to the island."

"I can't," I said my wings suddenly feeling weak. "Something's blocking my magic, I think we have to go down there."

Luke cursed under my breath and nodded. "Lets go."

I flew slowly down and dropped Luke on the wooden platform, then dropped down next to him as my wings faded. I looked at the two girls standing there and stepped back. I didn't want anymore fighting, Crysalis had saved Roman's life, let me live. Sabrina, well she was her partner, they were good friends. I couldn't get in the way of that. Not after I lost my own.

Luke stepped in front of me, almost protectively and I looked at him curiously. What is he doing? The forms of two other boys appeared on the wooden platform when I wasn't looking and my heart surged with joy at the sight of Roman. He was ragged and worn down, looked tired and miserable, but he was alive. I wanted to run over to him but Luke kept me still. "We still don't know what has to happen here."

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