Transformation - Task Four

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User: alicoforever

Name: Sabrina Whyte

**Dress pictured**

I brush my hair as I look in my mirror. The long brown curls fall a little bit past my chest. I carefully pull a piece of my hair into place, then another. I continue this until I've made a pretty looking bun in the back. I remember when my mom used to play with my hair when I was younger, and she'd twist it into a gazillion tiny braids. My mom always... Come to think of it, I hadn't thought of my family in forever. I wonder how they are holding up. Maybe I could ask Kate if I could call them. But before I can, I have to get ready for the banquet tonight.

Shaking the thought of my family away, I eye the makeup on my dresser wearily. I hadn't tried to use makeup in two years, and I'm sure if I tried now it'd be a disaster. Then again, I'd probably make a fool of myself anyway.

After fighting with myself for five minutes, I decide to apply some to my face. I put on basic nude colors for my eyes and put on some eyeliner. To follow, I dabbed a little bit of foundation under my eyes. Finishing the look, I put on mascara and pale lipstick. It didn't take long, which surprised me. When did I become fast at this backbreaking job? I look at my face, still unused to looking at myself. My blue eyes look bigger than usual, and for once a smile is on my face.

Done with my makeup, I look at dress Kate had let me borrow. It's a sleeveless blue dress, trimmed with silver. I still can't get over the fact that Kate let me borrow it. Making sure my door is closed, I slip my clothes off and hop into the dress. It feels cool on my bare skin.

The next step in my transformation is the jewelry. I borrowed pieces here and there from people and now I have a collection of blue and silver jewelry. I put on a thick silver chain with a small blue teardrop shaped jewel. Blue earrings and a ring are soon to follow the necklace. After about an hour, I'm ready. I slowly stand up and go to my door, when someone knocks. Startled, I open the door.

"Hey Sabrina." Jace greets in a crisp black suit. My heartbeat quickens. "You look stunning."

"H-hey Jace. Thanks. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the banquet?" I ask.

"About that, I was wondering if you would like to come with me?" He mumbles.

"What?" I say, stunned. He scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah, so um... It was a bad idea, never mind." He then starts to walk away.

"Wait!" I yell. He turns back then face me. "I would love to go with you."

"Great!" He grins. "So... Are you ready?" I laugh.

"How charming." I tease. He smiles and he and I walk together to the transport dock where Thomas told me and Kate told Jace to go.

Once there, we go into a metal box. It's boring to be honest, nothing more than an empty box. Until Kate walks in. Her necklace must be some work of magick because it burst into different colors, blinding me.

When I regain my vision, I see that here is a metal bracket on my left hand. It's freezing on my skin. I try to slip it off, but it's stuck.

"Don't hurt yourself." Jace teases, watching me struggle. I playfully hit his arm. But when I do, something happens: our surroundings change.

One second we're in a metal box, then the next we're all in a foyer. I give Jace a confused look, but he only shrugs. Kate then begins to speak:

"The Hybrid campus of Arizona." She says. She then goes on to explain how we will be introduced and to not make a fool of ourselves.

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