Physical - Task Four

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User: THGF1234

Name: Samuel de Sapphiron


User: ZzzLazyZzz

Name: Noah Spooner


User: WinterRoze

Name: Millicent

I looked in the mirror admiring my dress, it was a plain white dress that frilled out from the waist. With my hair I twisted it into a tiara braid and threaded flowers into it, I brushed out my blonde hair and let it cascade naturally down my back. I smiled, looking at my appearance in the mirror.
Entering the banquet I gasped in delight, it was decorated beautifully. Thomas who was standing at the door handed my a silver bracelet, I slipped it on, admiring the carvings. I smiled happily when I saw Edwin standing standing at the entrance waiting for me.
"Edwin."I said happily
"Hey,"he said smiling at me
We quietened down as Kate began her speech, saying how we were special and we were going to be introduced. Once she finished I skipped to where the Physical gifts were, once each one had passed I looked for Edwin. Suddenly a pair of warm hands covered my eyes.
"Guess who?"
I giggled
"Um, Channing Tatum?"I guessed laughing
"Nope, guess again."
"Is it Edwin?"I asked
The hands were removed and I turned around to see a grinning Edwin.
We danced and chatted and met plenty of people. As the night flew by soon it was over.
"Thanks for taking me,"I said
"Your welcome."
Giving each other a quick hug, I entered my room. I sighed happily at the wonderful night and succumbed into sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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