Kate - Task Four

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Important information is in bold, everything else is apart of Kate and Thomas's storyline and if you don't want to read that then look for the bold.

If you want a photo of your wardrobe then send me the link with your entries!

The black medallion hung around my neck, disrupting the beauty of my maroon red and black lace dress. But I had to wear it, it signified my position and power in the face of the United States Hybrid Ambassabor; the only human attending the Apprentices Banquet.

A small sliver of pain vibrates through my skull as someone - Thomas, I'm sure - presses in on my consciousness; letting me know he was waiting for me in the hall. I take a breath and check my hair bun once more before opening my office door.

"Hey T." I say, inviting him into my messy inner sactum. I'd been spending the last few days in here, interviewing apprentices and hating who I was. I'd never understood the sadness that had always haunted Garrett's eyes when he roamed through these silent white halls. Now I did, he hated it; knowing how these girls and boys felt about him and the Exams. They despised him, and they despised me.

I didn't know how to show them who I was, what I really wanted. I wasn't cruel or mean and I didn't want to make them feel so used by us. We weren't here to hurt them, we were here to help them with their Gifts and make them great. They were the backbone if the Hybrid community, we existed because they protected us and they couldn't see that. None of them understood how important they were to us and how frustrated I felt because I didn't know how to show them that.

"Hey Kate, what happened in here?" Thomas questions, walking inside the office. He wore a maroon red tux with a white dress shirt and a black tie, he was my escort to the banquet. I shrug and hug my arms around myself.

"Just the result of one of my hissy fits, I spent the entirety of the last few days interviewing apprentices and really wanting to throw things because of how out of place most of them feel here. That wasn't how I felt, I was happy to be here because I felt special. They hate it and I can't figure out how to show them they're important." Thomas frowns and crosses his arms, leaning his hip against the corner of my paper covered desk.

"I think you've forgotten the point of the banquet, Kate. This is how we show them, through the hundreds of Hybrids that show up each year and shake their hands and offer words of encouragement. It's not your job to show them they're special, it's the Hyrbid society's job and they'll do that tonight. So stop worrying and just have fun, we're only alive until the end of these Exams. We don't have much more time to celebrate the work we did as Keeper and Guarde." Thomas reasons with a smile and runs his left hand through his brown hair and the glittering piece of silver on his finger catches my eye. I gasp and duck my head, mentally beating myself up for forgetting to put that on before he got here. "It's in the safe, yeah?" Thomas asks, pressing his palm against the wall. I nod and roll my eyes at myself.

"They're all coming, right?" Thomas nods his head as he reaches into the safe and draws out two silver rings.

"Yeah, Kalina and Lucas are anyway. I don't know about Nathan and Desiree." A swirl of contradicting emotions well up inside me; Kalina was coming but maybe not Nathan.

"Here, put them on." Thomas says, placing the silver rings in my hand. I stare down at them in wonder, having forgotten the last time I wore either of the two. I didn't wear them while I was Keeper becuase I didn't like showing myself as a person instead of the leader of the Hybrids; and I was Keeper most of the time. Thomas didn't wear his either, of course he would've liked too, but I demanded he not.

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