Wildlife - Task One

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User: Fantasyfan456

Name: Hannah

I lived in any normal home. I had a mom and a dad with my older brother, David. I'm a hybrid, but my parents didn't tell me. I basically thought I was a normal human being. They didn't tell me about the gift either. They hoped that no one would come to bring me to the games and that I could be safe. Well, that backfired.

One day, I heard someone barge into my house. I heard my mom scream from downstairs. I ran downstairs and found a man holding a gun to my mom. My dog, Macy followed me. Macy followed me everywhere we had a weird bond, that only she and I would ever have. I guess she was my only friend seeing how I was a loner at school and no one liked me. My mom turned and saw me near the stairs with a frightened look on her face. Before I could go near her, the man pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

I lived in a dangerous town, and Things like this happened everywhere. It happened about a year ago. I hadn't talked in a year. Macy and my brother were the only ones who I allowed into my walls. I just shut everyone else out.

Macy growled at the man and started circling me. My heart started pounding in my chest. For a 15 year old girl, this was terrifying.

"What do you want?" My mom asked. Her voice was shaky.

"Simple, I'm part of a guild, and we just need food. So, we're raiding your house." He said. He whistled, and a handful of men came running in. Macy stood by me the entire time.

"Someone tie up the girl and her mom." He shouted. "We don't want them to call for help."

"Can we kill them just like we killed that other family?" My head snapped up. These were the people who killed my friend and her family. I struggled against their arms and I grew claws and scratched him. Wait, I grew claws!?

Just as they tied me up, I started to feel dizzy. I closed my eyes for a quick second. When I opened them, I was shorter. The room seemed so much bigger. What's going on? I looked down and saw I had Macy's paws. What the heck!? I was seeing out of Macy'seyes. I thought of a plan. My dad and David, went out for the day. They should be in town.

I blinked once, and I was looking back in my house. Macy was still there. I looked at her.

"Macy, go get dad. Or David and run as fast as you can." It was the first time I talked in a year. My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes.

She barked once and ran as fast as she could.

A man was standing over me. They tied a bomb to my chair and they all left. Still confused about what happened, there was a man who didn't leave. I struggled against the ropes, and used my so called claws to cut my ropes. I got my mom free and the bomb blew.

When I woke up, people were talking in hushed voices.

"She's strong enough to go into the exams. I have to bring her with me."

"Why can't she just stay here?" It was David.

"David, she talked for the first time in a year. And it was to her dog." Mom.

I opened my eyes and sat up straight, breathing heavily. I'm not talking to them. Just because I talked to Macy, doesn't mean I'm going to talk to people.

My mom hugged me tightly. My dad was sitting in a chair not looking at me. David gave me a reassuring smile. I realized he would be going to college soon. And I would be in the Exam. He wouldn't see me ever again. Neither would my parents. David and I were really close. He understood me almost as much as Macy did.

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